
Frequently Asked Questions


For iOS builds, do I need to run the AppLovinQualityService script every time I build?
You only need to run the script once. It establishes Ad Review in your build. All subsequent builds will include the integration.
For iOS builds, every time the AppLovinQualityService script executes, the AppLovinQualityService SDK seems to update. Should the SDK not be managed by a VCS?
Correct—it’s not managed by git. This is why you should run the script on initial project setup every time you clone/pull your project to a new machine.
Should I commit the AppLovinQualityService setup script (typically called AppLovinQualityServiceSetup-ios.rb) to my VCS?
Yes, you should commit it. This way, if you clone/pull your project to a new machine you can use the script to re-setup your project.
I noticed that the AppLovinQualityService setup script sometimes updates. When it does, I need to recommit it to my VCS. Is that normal?
Yes, it’s normal. The script updates when new versions of AppLovinQualityService are released. You should re-commit it in those cases.
How do I uninstall Ad Review?

Remove the lines that you added to build.gradle during the Enable Ad Review step.

For iOS builds, I integrate the MAX adapters using a dedicated framework target. Why do I not receive data for my app?
For these specific integrations, you need to redo the integration and specify the framework name like this:
Terminal window
ruby AppLovinQualityServiceSetup.rb install -localframeworks «framework name without extension»
For example, if your dedicated framework target is FooBar.framework, you run the command as follows:
Terminal window
ruby AppLovinQualityServiceSetup.rb install -localframeworks FooBar
Does Ad Review support Fire OS?
Yes, but the click destination does not populate in the dashboard. This is because only the Google Play Store is supported.
Does AppLovinQualityServiceGradlePlugin support configuration cache?
No. If you want to use configuration cache on debug builds, disable the plugin for debug builds. The answer to the next question shows you how to do that.
Ad Review adds time to my build. Can I disable Ad Review on my debug builds?

To disable Ad Review on Android builds, add a disableIf line to your applovin closure like this:

apply plugin: 'applovin-quality-service'
applovin {
apiKey «your Ad Review Key»
disableIf buildType: 'debug'

You can find your Ad Review Key in the Account > General > Keys section of the AppLovin dashboard.


To disable Ad Review on iOS builds:

  1. Click Build Phases at the top of the Xcode project editor.
  2. Locate the build phase named “AppLovinQualityService Build”. Double-click that build phase name to open the build phase editor.
  3. Add the flag -disableconfigs and set its value to a comma-separated list of build configurations on which you want to disable Ad Review from running. For example:
    AppLovinQualityService/AppLovinQualityServicePlugin.app/Contents/MacOS/AppLovinQualityServicePlugin -disabledconfigs Debug "AppLovinQualityServiceSetup-ios.rb"
For Android builds, I integrate Ad Review on various product flavors. Can I disable Ad Review for a specific product flavor? Can I use distinct Ad Review keys for a specific product flavor?
To disable Ad Review on a specific product flavor, add a disableIf line to your applovin closure like this:
applovin {
apiKey «your Ad Review Key»
disableIf productFlavor: 'foo'

You can find your Ad Review Key in the Account > General > Keys section of the AppLovin dashboard.

To use distinct Ad Review keys on a specific product flavor, add an apiKeyForFlavor line to your applovin closure like this:
applovin {
apiKey «your first Ad Review Key»
apiKeyForFlavor apiKey: «your second Ad Review Key», flavorName: 'foo'
// alternatively you can use apiKeyForFlavors apiKey: «your second Ad Review Key», flavorNames: ['foo1', 'foo2']