要加载激励广告,请首先获取对应您的激励广告单位的 MaxRewardedAd
然后调用该对象的 loadAd()
实现 MaxRewardedAdListener
public class ExampleActivity extends Activity implements MaxRewardedAdListener{ private MaxRewardedAd rewardedAd; private int retryAttempt;
void createRewardedAd() { rewardedAd = MaxRewardedAd.getInstance( "«ad-unit-ID»", getApplicationContext() ); rewardedAd.setListener( this );
rewardedAd.loadAd(); }
// MAX Ad Listener @Override public void onAdLoaded(final MaxAd maxAd) { // Rewarded ad is ready to be shown. rewardedAd.isReady() will now return 'true'
// Reset retry attempt retryAttempt = 0; }
@Override public void onAdLoadFailed(final String adUnitId, final MaxError error) { // Rewarded ad failed to load // AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds)
retryAttempt++; long delayMillis = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis( (long) Math.pow( 2, Math.min( 6, retryAttempt ) ) );
new Handler().postDelayed( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { rewardedAd.loadAd(); } }, delayMillis ); }
@Override public void onAdDisplayFailed(final MaxAd maxAd, final MaxError error) { // Rewarded ad failed to display. AppLovin recommends that you load the next ad. rewardedAd.loadAd(); }
@Override public void onAdDisplayed(final MaxAd maxAd) {}
@Override public void onAdClicked(final MaxAd maxAd) {}
@Override public void onAdHidden(final MaxAd maxAd) { // rewarded ad is hidden. Pre-load the next ad rewardedAd.loadAd(); }
@Override public void onUserRewarded(final MaxAd maxAd, final MaxReward maxReward) { // Rewarded ad was displayed and user should receive the reward }}
class ExampleActivity : Activity(), MaxRewardedAdListener{ private lateinit var rewardedAd: MaxRewardedAd private var retryAttempt = 0.0
fun createRewardedAd() { rewardedAd = MaxRewardedAd.getInstance( "«ad-unit-ID»", applicationContext ) rewardedAd.setListener( this )
rewardedAd.loadAd() }
// MAX Ad Listener override fun onAdLoaded(maxAd: MaxAd) { // Rewarded ad is ready to be shown. rewardedAd.isReady() will now return 'true'
// Reset retry attempt retryAttempt = 0.0 }
override fun onAdLoadFailed(adUnitId: String?, error: MaxError?) { // Rewarded ad failed to load // AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds)
retryAttempt++ val delayMillis = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis( Math.pow( 2.0, Math.min( 6.0, retryAttempt ) ).toLong() )
Handler().postDelayed( { rewardedAd.loadAd() }, delayMillis ) }
override fun onAdDisplayFailed(ad: MaxAd?, error: MaxError?) { // Rewarded ad failed to display. AppLovin recommends that you load the next ad. rewardedAd.loadAd() }
override fun onAdDisplayed(maxAd: MaxAd) {}
override fun onAdClicked(maxAd: MaxAd) {}
override fun onAdHidden(maxAd: MaxAd) { // rewarded ad is hidden. Pre-load the next ad rewardedAd.loadAd() }
override fun onUserRewarded(maxAd: MaxAd, maxReward: MaxReward) { // Rewarded ad was displayed and user should receive the reward }}
要展示激励广告,请对创建的 MaxRewardedAd
对象调用 showAd( this )
if ( rewardedAd.isReady() ){ // `this` is the activity that will be used to show the ad rewardedAd.showAd( this );}
if ( rewardedAd.isReady ){ // `this` is the activity that will be used to show the ad rewardedAd.showAd(this);}
要获取奖励金额和币种,请重写 onUserRewarded()
@Overridepublic void onUserRewarded(final MaxAd ad, final MaxReward reward){ System.out.println( "Rewarded user: " + reward.getAmount() + " " + reward.getLabel() );}
override fun onUserRewarded(ad: MaxAd?, reward: MaxReward?){ System.out.println( "Rewarded user: " + reward!!.getAmount() + " " + reward.getLabel() )}
S2S 激励回传
您可以通过货币服务器接收回传。 要了解操作方法,请参阅 MAX S2S Rewarded Callback API 指南。 随后,在Edit Ad Unit页面更新Server Side Callback URL。
- 在 Edit Ad Unit 页面点击Add S2S Reward Callback:
- 添加 Server Side Callback URL、Reward Amount和 Rewarded Currency Name: