针对 MMP 的展示层级用户收入 API
该 API 采用 publisher-subscriber (开发者-订阅者) 架构。
MAX SDK 会广播 MAX 广告收入事件,MMP 订阅 max_revenue_events
AppLovin 建议您在应用启动后立即订阅该主题,避免错过任何事件。
名称 | 描述 | 示例 |
ad_format | 广告格式。 | BANNER , MREC , INTER , REWARDED |
country_code | 收入国家代码。 | US (针对美国) |
id | 广告的唯一内部 ID。 | 19017d954ffcded6c42772b09ec36699efe0bfc2 |
max_ad_unit_id | MAX Ad Unit ID。 | 65d8d0195e50bda6 |
network_name | 广告展示所在平台的显示名称。 | AppLovin |
revenue | 代表收入金额的双精度值。 | 0.002067201 |
third_party_ad_placement_id | 广告的 placement ID(如有。竞价可能没有 placement ID)。 | inter_regular |
user_segment | 接受广告展示的用户所处的用户分群。 | experiment5 |
请参考下方示例,了解如何订阅和处理 SDK 广播的事件。
package «your.package.name»;
import android.app.Activity;import android.os.Bundle;
import com.applovin.communicator.AppLovinCommunicator;import com.applovin.communicator.AppLovinCommunicatorMessage;import com.applovin.communicator.AppLovinCommunicatorSubscriber;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
public class ExampleActivity extends Activity implements AppLovinCommunicatorSubscriber{ @Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable final Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate( savedInstanceState );
AppLovinCommunicator.getInstance( getApplicationContext() ).subscribe( this, "max_revenue_events" ); }
@Override protected void onDestroy() { // Unsubscribe when subscription is no longer needed AppLovinCommunicator.getInstance( getApplicationContext() ).unsubscribe( this, "max_revenue_events" );
super.onDestroy(); }
@Override public void onMessageReceived(final AppLovinCommunicatorMessage message) { // If you are subscribed to multiple topics, check for the desired one if ( "max_revenue_events".equals( message.getTopic() ) ) { Bundle data = message.getMessageData(); double revenue = data.getDouble( "revenue" );
// Miscellaneous data String countryCode = data.getString( "country_code" ); // "US" for the United States, etc - Note: Do not confuse this with currency code which is "USD" String networkName = data.getString( "network_name" ); // Display name of the network which showed the ad String adUnitId = data.getString( "max_ad_unit_id" ); // The MAX Ad Unit ID String thirdPartyAdPlacementId = data.getString( "third_party_ad_placement_id" ); // The ad's placement id, if any (bidding may not have one) String adFormat = data.getString( "ad_format" ); // The ad format of the ad (e.g. "BANNER", "MREC", "INTER", "REWARDED", "REWARDED_INTER") } }
@Override public String getCommunicatorId() { return "«your_company_name_in_snake_case»"; }}
package «your.package.name»
import android.app.Activityimport android.os.Bundleimport com.applovin.communicator.AppLovinCommunicatorimport com.applovin.communicator.AppLovinCommunicatorMessageimport com.applovin.communicator.AppLovinCommunicatorSubscriber
class ExampleActivity : Activity(), AppLovinCommunicatorSubscriber{ override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate( savedInstanceState )
AppLovinCommunicator.getInstance( applicationContext ).subscribe( this, "max_revenue_events" ) }
override fun onDestroy() { // Unsubscribe when subscription is no longer needed AppLovinCommunicator.getInstance( applicationContext ).unsubscribe( this, "max_revenue_events" )
super.onDestroy() }
override fun onMessageReceived(message: AppLovinCommunicatorMessage) { // In the case that you are subscribed to multiple topics, check for the desired one if ( "max_revenue_events" == message.topic ) { val data: Bundle = message.messageData val revenue = data.getDouble( "revenue" )
// Miscellaneous data val countryCode = data.getString( "country_code" ) // "US" for the United States, etc - Note: Do not confuse this with currency code which is "USD" val networkName = data.getString( "network_name" ) // Display name of the network which showed the ad val adUnitId = data.getString( "max_ad_unit_id" ) // The MAX Ad Unit ID val thirdPartyAdPlacementId = data.getString( "third_party_ad_placement_id" ) // The ad's placement id, if any (bidding may not have one) val adFormat = data.getString( "ad_format" ) // The ad format of the ad (e.g. "BANNER", "MREC", "INTER", "REWARDED") } }
override fun getCommunicatorId(): String { return "«your_company_name_in_snake_case»" }}