
Why am I not seeing any ads?


Common Troubleshooting Issues

Low Demand

If advertiser demand is not strong for your country/geo and app category, there may not be ads available for you. If this is the issue, you can get ads by using Test Mode.

SDK Key Configuration Is Incorrect

If your SDK key is not correctly configured, this will cause problems. Make sure your SDK key is correctly configured in your app’s AndroidManifest or Info.plist. Make sure it matches the key in the dashboard exactly, with no trailing spaces.

The Frequency Cap Is Too Aggressive

If you set the frequency cap for your app too strictly, you will see few or no ads. You can adjust the frequency cap settings to allow higher frequency so that more ads will serve. Set the frequency cap in the AppDiscovery > Manage > Applications section.

Rewarded Video Issues

If you use rewarded video and your device ID (Apple IDFA or Google Advertising ID) is disabled or missing, you won’t see ads. To fix this, disable Opt out of interest based ads or Limit Ad Tracking on your device. If you are on Android, make sure to integrate the Google Play Services SDK.

OS Version Is Too Old

If you use an old OS version (iOS < 5.0 or Android < 4.0), video ads are not supported. Overall advertising demand might also be low. Try using an OS version that is less than two years old.

Android Apps — No Ads Show In Any Mode

If you use an Android app that will not show ads, even in test mode, your Ad Filtering settings may be the cause.

Issues Not Covered on This Page

If you try these troubleshooting tips but still cannot get any ads, open a support ticket at AppLovin’s Developer Support portal.

Enable verbose logs and send the full logs, from the app start, along with details on the ad type you are trying to integrate and as much other relevant information as possible. This gives AppLovin’s Developer Support the information it needs to properly analyze the issue.