要加载插屏广告,请创建一个与您的广告单元对应的 MAInterstitialAd
对象,并调用其 loadAd()
实现 MAAdDelegate
#import "ExampleViewController.h"#import <AppLovinSDK/AppLovinSDK.h>
@interface ExampleViewController()<MAAdDelegate>@property (nonatomic, strong) MAInterstitialAd *interstitialAd;@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger retryAttempt;@end
@implementation ExampleViewController
- (void)createInterstitialAd{ self.interstitialAd = [[MAInterstitialAd alloc] initWithAdUnitIdentifier: @"«ad-unit-ID»"]; self.interstitialAd.delegate = self;
// Load the first ad [self.interstitialAd loadAd];}
#pragma mark - MAAdDelegate Protocol
- (void)didLoadAd:(MAAd *)ad{ // Interstitial ad is ready to be shown. '[self.interstitialAd isReady]' will now return 'YES'
// Reset retry attempt self.retryAttempt = 0;}
- (void)didFailToLoadAdForAdUnitIdentifier:(NSString *)adUnitIdentifier withError:(MAError *)error{ // Interstitial ad failed to load // AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds)
self.retryAttempt++; NSInteger delaySec = pow(2, MIN(6, self.retryAttempt));
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, delaySec * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self.interstitialAd loadAd]; });}
- (void)didDisplayAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
- (void)didClickAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
- (void)didHideAd:(MAAd *)ad{ // Interstitial ad is hidden. Pre-load the next ad [self.interstitialAd loadAd];}
- (void)didFailToDisplayAd:(MAAd *)ad withError:(MAError *)error{ // Interstitial ad failed to display. AppLovin recommends that you load the next ad. [self.interstitialAd loadAd];}
class ExampleViewController: UIViewController, MAAdDelegate{ var interstitialAd: MAInterstitialAd! var retryAttempt = 0.0
func createInterstitialAd() { interstitialAd = MAInterstitialAd(adUnitIdentifier: "«ad-unit-ID»") interstitialAd.delegate = self
// Load the first ad interstitialAd.load() }
// MARK: MAAdDelegate Protocol
func didLoad(_ ad: MAAd) { // Interstitial ad is ready to be shown. 'interstitialAd.isReady' will now return 'true'
// Reset retry attempt retryAttempt = 0 }
func didFailToLoadAd(forAdUnitIdentifier adUnitIdentifier: String, withError error: MAError) { // Interstitial ad failed to load // AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds)
retryAttempt += 1 let delaySec = pow(2.0, min(6.0, retryAttempt))
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delaySec) { self.interstitialAd.load() } }
func didDisplay(_ ad: MAAd) {}
func didClick(_ ad: MAAd) {}
func didHide(_ ad: MAAd) { // Interstitial ad is hidden. Pre-load the next ad interstitialAd.load() }
func didFail(toDisplay ad: MAAd, withError error: MAError) { // Interstitial ad failed to display. AppLovin recommends that you load the next ad. interstitialAd.load() }}
要展示插屏广告,请在创建的 MAInterstitialAd
实例对象上调用 showAd()
if ( [self.interstitialAd isReady] ){ [self.interstitialAd showAd];}
if interstitialAd.isReady{ interstitialAd.show()}