手动下载 MAX 的广告平台
要接收版本更新,请订阅 AppLovin-MAX-SDK-iOS GitHub 库。
下载最新 iOS SDK
集成 AppLovin SDK
已下载的 ZIP 文件包含 AppLovinSDK.xcframework
要将 SDK 添加到您的应用程序,请将 AppLovinSDK.xcframework
文件拖拽至您的 Xcode 项目中,并确保 Xcode 项目目标设置里的 Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content 部分中包含 AppLovinSDK.xcframework
启用 Xcode 标记
您必须添加 -ObjC
标记才能编译 AppLovin SDK。
要启用 -ObjC
标记,请选择 File > Project Settings,前往 Build Settings,搜索 Other Linker Flags,然后点击 + 符号以添加 -ObjC
- AdSupport
- AppTrackingTransparency
- AudioToolbox
- AVFoundation
- CoreGraphics
- CoreMedia
- CoreMotion
- CoreTelephony
- Foundation
- MessageUI
- libz
- SafariServices
- StoreKit
- SystemConfiguration
- UIKit
- WebKit
启用 Ad Review
要启用 MAX Ad Review 服务,再下载AppLovinQualityServiceSetup-ios.rb
打开终端窗口,将 cd
ruby AppLovinQualityServiceSetup-ios.rb
添加 SDK Key
选择 File > Project Settings > Info。
点击 Custom iOS Properties 中的一行,然后点击 + 符号以添加新的行。
将新一行的键设置为 AppLovinSdkKey
,并将值设为您的 SDK Key。
您可以在 AppLovin 控制面板的 Account > General > Keys 部分找到 SDK Key。
初始化 SDK
将以下片段添加至应用委托的 application:applicationDidFinishLaunching:
#import <AppLovinSDK/AppLovinSDK.h>⋮
@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions{ // Set the mediation provider value to @"max" to ensure proper functionality. [ALSdk shared].mediationProvider = @"max"; [[ALSdk shared] initializeSdkWithCompletionHandler:^(ALSdkConfiguration *configuration) { // AppLovin SDK is initialized, start loading ads }];
@UIApplicationMainclass AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate{ func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Set the mediation provider value to "max" to ensure proper functionality. ALSdk.shared().mediationProvider = "max" ALSdk.shared().initializeSdk { (configuration: ALSdkConfiguration) in // AppLovin SDK is initialized, start loading ads }
请参阅 SKAdNetwork 文档,查看集成说明。
要加载插屏广告,请使用您的广告单元创建一个 MAInterstitialAd
对象,并调用 loadAd()
。实现 MAAdDelegate
#import "ExampleViewController.h"#import <AppLovinSDK/AppLovinSDK.h>
@interface ExampleViewController()<MAAdDelegate>@property (nonatomic, strong) MAInterstitialAd *interstitialAd;@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger retryAttempt;@end
@implementation ExampleViewController
- (void)createInterstitialAd{ self.interstitialAd = [[MAInterstitialAd alloc] initWithAdUnitIdentifier: @"«ad-unit-ID»"]; self.interstitialAd.delegate = self;
// Load the first ad [self.interstitialAd loadAd];}
#pragma mark - MAAdDelegate Protocol
- (void)didLoadAd:(MAAd *)ad{ // Interstitial ad is ready to be shown. '[self.interstitialAd isReady]' will now return 'YES'
// Reset retry attempt self.retryAttempt = 0;}
- (void)didFailToLoadAdForAdUnitIdentifier:(NSString *)adUnitIdentifier withError:(MAError *)error{ // Interstitial ad failed to load // AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds)
self.retryAttempt++; NSInteger delaySec = pow(2, MIN(6, self.retryAttempt));
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, delaySec * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self.interstitialAd loadAd]; });}
- (void)didDisplayAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
- (void)didClickAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
- (void)didHideAd:(MAAd *)ad{ // Interstitial ad is hidden. Pre-load the next ad [self.interstitialAd loadAd];}
- (void)didFailToDisplayAd:(MAAd *)ad withError:(MAError *)error{ // Interstitial ad failed to display. AppLovin recommends that you load the next ad [self.interstitialAd loadAd];}
class ExampleViewController: UIViewController, MAAdDelegate{ var interstitialAd: MAInterstitialAd! var retryAttempt = 0.0
func createInterstitialAd() { interstitialAd = MAInterstitialAd(adUnitIdentifier: "«ad-unit-ID»") interstitialAd.delegate = self
// Load the first ad interstitialAd.load() }
// MARK: MAAdDelegate Protocol
func didLoad(_ ad: MAAd) { // Interstitial ad is ready to be shown. 'interstitialAd.isReady' will now return 'true'
// Reset retry attempt retryAttempt = 0 }
func didFailToLoadAd(forAdUnitIdentifier adUnitIdentifier: String, withError error: MAError) { // Interstitial ad failed to load // AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds)
retryAttempt += 1 let delaySec = pow(2.0, min(6.0, retryAttempt))
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delaySec) { self.interstitialAd.load() } }
func didDisplay(_ ad: MAAd) {}
func didClick(_ ad: MAAd) {}
func didHide(_ ad: MAAd) { // Interstitial ad is hidden. Pre-load the next ad interstitialAd.load() }
func didFail(toDisplay ad: MAAd, withError error: MAError) { // Interstitial ad failed to display. AppLovin recommends that you load the next ad interstitialAd.load() }}
要展示插屏广告,请在刚才创建的 MAInterstitialAd
实例对象上调用 showAd()
if ( [self.interstitialAd isReady] ){ [self.interstitialAd showAd];}
if interstitialAd.isReady{interstitialAd.show()}
要加载激励广告,请使用您的激励广告单元调取一个 MARewardedAd
对象,并对其调用 loadAd()
安装 MARewardedAdDelegate
#import "ExampleViewController.h"#import <AppLovinSDK/AppLovinSDK.h>
@interface ExampleViewController()<MARewardedAdDelegate>@property (nonatomic, strong) MARewardedAd *rewardedAd;@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger retryAttempt;@end
@implementation ExampleViewController
- (void)createRewardedAd{ self.rewardedAd = [MARewardedAd sharedWithAdUnitIdentifier: @"«ad-unit-ID»"]; self.rewardedAd.delegate = self;
// Load the first ad [self.rewardedAd loadAd];}
#pragma mark - MAAdDelegate Protocol
- (void)didLoadAd:(MAAd *)ad{ // Rewarded ad is ready to be shown. '[self.rewardedAd isReady]' will now return 'YES'
// Reset retry attempt self.retryAttempt = 0;}
- (void)didFailToLoadAdForAdUnitIdentifier:(NSString *)adUnitIdentifier withError:(MAError *)error{ // Rewarded ad failed to load // AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds)
self.retryAttempt++; NSInteger delaySec = pow(2, MIN(6, self.retryAttempt));
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, delaySec * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self.rewardedAd loadAd]; });}
- (void)didDisplayAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
- (void)didClickAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
- (void)didHideAd:(MAAd *)ad{ // Rewarded ad is hidden. Pre-load the next ad [self.rewardedAd loadAd];}
- (void)didFailToDisplayAd:(MAAd *)ad withError:(MAError *)error{ // Rewarded ad failed to display. AppLovin recommends that you load the next ad [self.rewardedAd loadAd];}
#pragma mark - MARewardedAdDelegate Protocol
- (void)didRewardUserForAd:(MAAd *)ad withReward:(MAReward *)reward{ // Rewarded ad was displayed and user should receive the reward}
class ExampleViewController : UIViewController, MARewardedAdDelegate{ var rewardedAd: MARewardedAd! var retryAttempt = 0.0
func createRewardedAd() { rewardedAd = MARewardedAd.shared(withAdUnitIdentifier: "«ad-unit-ID»") rewardedAd.delegate = self
// Load the first ad rewardedAd.load() }
// MARK: MAAdDelegate Protocol
func didLoad(_ ad: MAAd) { // Rewarded ad is ready to be shown. '[self.rewardedAd isReady]' will now return 'YES'
// Reset retry attempt retryAttempt = 0 }
func didFailToLoadAd(forAdUnitIdentifier adUnitIdentifier: String, withError error: MAError) { // Rewarded ad failed to load // AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds)
retryAttempt += 1 let delaySec = pow(2.0, min(6.0, retryAttempt))
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delaySec) { self.rewardedAd.load() } }
func didDisplay(_ ad: MAAd) {}
func didClick(_ ad: MAAd) {}
func didHide(_ ad: MAAd) { // Rewarded ad is hidden. Pre-load the next ad rewardedAd.load() }
func didFail(toDisplay ad: MAAd, withError error: MAError) { // Rewarded ad failed to display. AppLovin recommends that you load the next ad rewardedAd.load() }
// MARK: MARewardedAdDelegate Protocol
func didRewardUser(for ad: MAAd, with reward: MAReward) { // Rewarded ad was displayed and user should receive the reward }}
要展示激励广告,请在刚才创建的 MARewardedAd
实例对象上调用 showAd()
if ( [self.rewardedAd isReady] ){ [self.rewardedAd showAd];}
if rewardedAd.isReady{ rewardedAd.show()}
加载和展示横幅和 MREC
要加载广告,请使用您的广告单元创建一个 MAAdView
对象,并调用 loadAd()
。要展示广告,请将 MAAdView
对象添加为视图层级的子视图。安装 MAAdViewAdDelegate
#import "ExampleViewController.h"#import <AppLovinSDK/AppLovinSDK.h>
@interface ExampleViewController()<MAAdViewAdDelegate>@property (nonatomic, strong) MAAdView *adView;@end
@implementation ExampleViewController
- (void)createBannerAd{ self.adView = [[MAAdView alloc] initWithAdUnitIdentifier: @"«ad-unit-ID»"]; self.adView.delegate = self;
// Banner height on iPhone and iPad is 50 and 90, respectively CGFloat height = (UIDevice.currentDevice.userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) ? 90 : 50;
// Stretch to the width of the screen for banners to be fully functional CGFloat width = CGRectGetWidth(UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds);
self.adView.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, width, height);
// Set background or background color for banner ads to be fully functional self.adView.backgroundColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
[self.view addSubview: self.adView];
// Load the ad [self.adView loadAd];}
#pragma mark - MAAdDelegate Protocol
- (void)didLoadAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
- (void)didFailToLoadAdForAdUnitIdentifier:(NSString *)adUnitIdentifier withError:(MAError *)error {}
- (void)didClickAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
- (void)didFailToDisplayAd:(MAAd *)ad withError:(MAError *)error {}
#pragma mark - MAAdViewAdDelegate Protocol
- (void)didExpandAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
- (void)didCollapseAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
#pragma mark - Deprecated Callbacks
- (void)didDisplayAd:(MAAd *)ad { /* use this for impression tracking */ }- (void)didHideAd:(MAAd *)ad { /* DO NOT USE - THIS IS RESERVED FOR FULLSCREEN ADS ONLY AND WILL BE REMOVED IN A FUTURE SDK RELEASE */ }
class ExampleViewController: UIViewController, MAAdViewAdDelegate{ var adView: MAAdView!
func createBannerAd() { adView = MAAdView(adUnitIdentifier: "«ad-unit-ID»") adView.delegate = self
// Banner height on iPhone and iPad is 50 and 90, respectively let height: CGFloat = (UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad) ? 90 : 50
// Stretch to the width of the screen for banners to be fully functional let width: CGFloat = UIScreen.main.bounds.width
adView.frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height)
// Set background or background color for banner ads to be fully functional adView.backgroundColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR
// Load the first ad adView.loadAd() }
// MARK: MAAdDelegate Protocol
func didLoad(_ ad: MAAd) {}
func didFailToLoadAd(forAdUnitIdentifier adUnitIdentifier: String, withError error: MAError) {}
func didClick(_ ad: MAAd) {}
func didFail(toDisplay ad: MAAd, withError error: MAError) {}
// MARK: MAAdViewAdDelegate Protocol
func didExpand(_ ad: MAAd) {}
func didCollapse(_ ad: MAAd) {}
// MARK: Deprecated Callbacks
func didDisplay(_ ad: MAAd) { /* use this for impression tracking */ } func didHide(_ ad: MAAd) { /* DO NOT USE - THIS IS RESERVED FOR FULLSCREEN ADS ONLY AND WILL BE REMOVED IN A FUTURE SDK RELEASE */ }}
#import "ExampleViewController.h"#import <AppLovinSDK/AppLovinSDK.h>
@interface ExampleViewController()<MAAdViewAdDelegate>@property (nonatomic, strong) MAAdView *adView;@end
@implementation ExampleViewController
- (void)createMRECAd{ self.adView = [[MAAdView alloc] initWithAdUnitIdentifier: @"«ad-unit-ID»" adlanguage: MAAdFormat.mrec]; self.adView.delegate = self;
// MREC width and height are 300 and 250 respectively, on iPhone and iPad CGFloat width = 300; CGFloat height = 250;
// Center the MREC CGFloat x = self.view.center.x - 150;
self.adView.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, width, height);
// Set background or background color for MREC ads to be fully functional self.adView.backgroundColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
[self.view addSubview: self.adView];
// Load the ad [self.adView loadAd];}
#pragma mark - MAAdDelegate Protocol
- (void)didLoadAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
- (void)didFailToLoadAdForAdUnitIdentifier:(NSString *)adUnitIdentifier withError:(MAError *)error {}
- (void)didClickAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
- (void)didFailToDisplayAd:(MAAd *)ad withError:(MAError *)error {}
#pragma mark - MAAdViewAdDelegate Protocol
- (void)didExpandAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
- (void)didCollapseAd:(MAAd *)ad {}
#pragma mark - Deprecated Callbacks
- (void)didDisplayAd:(MAAd *)ad { /* use this for impression tracking */ }- (void)didHideAd:(MAAd *)ad { /* DO NOT USE - THIS IS RESERVED FOR FULLSCREEN ADS ONLY AND WILL BE REMOVED IN A FUTURE SDK RELEASE */ }
class ExampleViewController: UIViewController, MAAdViewAdDelegate{ var adView: MAAdView!
func createMRECAd { adView = MAAdView(adUnitIdentifier: "«ad-unit-ID»", adlanguage: MAAdFormat.mrec) adView.delegate = self
// MREC width and height are 300 and 250 respectively, on iPhone and iPad let height: CGFloat = 250 let width: CGFloat = 300
adView.frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height)
// Center the MREC adView.center.x = view.center.x
// Set background or background color for MREC ads to be fully functional adView.backgroundColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR
// Load the first ad adView.loadAd() }
// MARK: MAAdDelegate Protocol
func didLoad(_ ad: MAAd) {}
func didFailToLoadAd(forAdUnitIdentifier adUnitIdentifier: String, withError error: MAError) {}
func didClick(_ ad: MAAd) {}
func didFail(toDisplay ad: MAAd, withError error: MAError) {}
// MARK: MAAdViewAdDelegate Protocol
func didExpand(_ ad: MAAd) {}
func didCollapse(_ ad: MAAd) {}
// MARK: Deprecated Callbacks
func didDisplay(_ ad: MAAd) { /* use this for impression tracking */ } func didHide(_ ad: MAAd) { /* DO NOT USE - THIS IS RESERVED FOR FULLSCREEN ADS ONLY AND WILL BE REMOVED IN A FUTURE SDK RELEASE */ }}
要隐藏横幅或 MREC,请进行如下调用:
adView.hidden = YES;[adView stopAutoRefresh];
adView.isHidden = trueadView.stopAutoRefresh()
要显示横幅或 MREC,请进行如下调用:
adView.hidden = NO;[adView startAutoRefresh];
adView.isHidden = falseadView.startAutoRefresh()
选择要集成的广告平台, 然后按照以下说明操作。