
Network Comparison Reporting


The Network Comparison report helps you identify and address reporting discrepancies between MAX and network partners. It centralizes MAX- and network-reported data into one dashboard so you can compare stats without having to download multiple reports. The dashboard metrics include impressions, CPM, and revenue. The report calculates the differences between the two platforms.

Use this report to validate that network CPMs are aligned with CPMs reported in MAX. Because network data powers auto-CPM updating and bidding, it is important that you ensure MAX retrieves accurate information for networks competing in the unified auction. This way you do not lose revenue.

Before you use the report, connect your networks on the Networks page. Then navigate to MAX > Mediation > Debug Reports > Network Comparison. The CPM Delta metric is a great starting point for identifying discrepancy issues. Include network placement, application, ad type, and country (if applicable) in the report filters for a granular breakdown to identify discrepancy issues.

Network. Ad Type. MAX Imps. Network Imps. Imp Delta. MAX Rev. Network Rev. Rev Delta. Max CPM. Network CPM. CPM Delta.