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Preparing Mediated Networks

You can download and integrate the MAX mediation adapters into your app in two ways:

AppLovin recommends that you integrate adapters this way. AppLovin’s adapters’ pods automatically integrate the mediated network’s SDK and its dependencies.
Open Source Adapters
If you require more flexibility in the integration, you can integrate AppLovin’s open source adapters. You are responsible for integrating the mediated SDKs and any dependencies they require. You can find these adapters in the AppLovin-MAX-SDK-iOS GitHub repository.


Choose which mediated ad networks you want to integrate by checking the boxes below. Then this page displays instructions specific to those networks. This page also customizes a CocoaPods script for you. Copy the customized CocoaPods script below to your Podfile.

# Settings
# Pods
pod 'AppLovinSDK'
pod 'AmazonPublisherServicesSDK'
pod 'AppLovinMediationAmazonAdMarketplaceAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationBidMachineAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationChartboostAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationCSJAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationFyberAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationGoogleAdManagerAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationGoogleAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationHyprMXAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationInMobiAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationIronSourceAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationVungleAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationLineAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationMaioAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationFacebookAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationMintegralAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationMobileFuseAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationMolocoAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationOguryPresageAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationByteDanceAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationSmaatoAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationTencentGDTAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationUnityAdsAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationVerveAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationMyTargetAdapter'
pod 'AppLovinMediationYandexAdapter'

Install the New Pods

Run the following on the command line.

Terminal window
pod install --repo-update

Adapter Network Information