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Cohort API

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MAX provides three API endpoints with which you can get user performance data based on when the user installed your app:

  1. Send a request to the /maxCohort endpoint to determine how much revenue users are generating with respect to when they install.
  2. Send a request to the /maxCohort/imp endpoint to learn how many impressions users are seeing.
  3. Send a request to the /maxCohort/sessions endpoint to retrieve session information.

All dates are in UTC and are based on full UTC days.

Request Format

Target URLs

  • (Ad revenue performance)
  • (Ad impressions information)
  • (Session information)


api_keyYour Report Key.api_key=Hyfi8Mkct…WiWP466a1VBL7eUfUlD9JBh
columnsColumns to be reported (see the tables of columns below). Comma-separated.columns=day,application,country
endLast day you want included in the report, in «YYYY»-«MM»-«DD» format.end=2023-03-29
filter_«x»Filter column x by a value.filter_platform=ios
formatResponse format: csv or json.format=csv
limitLimit the results set to some fixed number of items.limit=100
not_zeroSet to 1 to filter results in which all numerical metrics have a value of 0.not_zero=1
offsetSkip the first offset items. You can use this (along with limit) for pagination. If paginating, set offset=0 on the first request to preserve result order.offset=500
sort_«x»Sort the response by column x (see the tables of columns below). You can add multiple sorts with multiple sort_«x» parameters, and these will execute in the order in which the parameters appear in the query string. ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).sort_installs=DESC
startFirst day you want included in the report, in «YYYY»-«MM»-«DD» format.start=2023-03-25

This API has a request window of 45 days. Make sure the date parameters are within the last 45 days.

/maxCohort Columns

ads_pub_revenue_«x»Revenue generated from ads within x days of the install.18.12
ads_rpi_«x»Revenue per install generated from ads within x days of the install..07
applicationName of the application.My App
banner_pub_revenue_«x»Revenue generated from banner ads within x days of the install.2.54
banner_rpi_«x»Revenue per install generated from banner ads within x days of the install..03
countryTwo-letter ISO Country
dayDay of the data, in «YYYY»-«MM»-«DD» format.2019-03-25
iap_pub_revenue_«x»Revenue generated from IAP within x days of the install.21.23
iap_rpi_«x»Revenue per install generated from IAP within x days of the install..08
installsNumber of new installers.2842
inter_pub_revenue_«x»Revenue generated from (non-rewarded) interstitial ads within x days of the install.6.10
inter_rpi_«x»Revenue per install generated from (non-rewarded) interstitial ads within x days of the install..04
mrec_pub_revenue_«x»Revenue generated from MREC ads within x days of the install..48
mrec_rpi_«x»Revenue per install generated from MREC ads within x days of the install..02
package_namePackage Name/Bundle ID of the
platformPlatform of the application: android, fireos, or
pub_revenue_«x»Revenue generated within x days of the install.39.35
reward_pub_revenue_«x»Revenue generated from rewarded ads within x days of the install.9.12
reward_rpi_«x»Revenue per install generated from rewarded ads within x days of the install..05
rpi_«x»Revenue per install generated within x days of the install..15

There is a fixed set of values for which you can track date ranges. x can be one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 45.

/maxCohort/imp Columns

applicationName of the application.My App
banner_imp_«x»Number of banner impressions from users x days after the install.2448
banner_imp_per_user_«x»banner_imp_«x» ÷ user_count_«x».4.0
countryTwo-letter ISO Country
dayDay of the data, in «YYYY»-«MM»-«DD» format.2019-03-25
imp_«x»Number of impressions from users x days after the install.6120
imp_per_user_«x»Number of impressions per user x days after the install: imp_«x» ÷ user_count_«x».10.0
installsNumber of new installers.2842
inter_imp_«x»Number of (non-rewarded) interstitial impressions from users x days after the install.1224
inter_imp_per_user_«x»inter_imp_«x» ÷ user_count_«x».2.0
mrec_imp_«x»Number of MREC impressions from users x days after the install.612
mrec_imp_per_user_«x»mrec_imp_«x» ÷ user_count_«x».1.0
package_namePackage Name/Bundle ID of the
platformPlatform of the application: android, fireos, or
reward_imp_«x»Number of rewarded impressions from users x days after the install.1836
reward_imp_per_user_«x»reward_imp_«x» ÷ user_count_«x».3.0
user_count_«x»Number of users active x days after the install.612

There is a fixed set of values for which you can track date ranges. x can be one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90.

/maxCohort/session Columns

dayDay of the data, in «YYYY»-«MM»-«DD» format.2019-03-25
applicationName of the application.My App
package_namePackage Name/Bundle ID of the
platformPlatform of the application: android, fireos, or
countryTwo-letter ISO Country
installsNumber of new installers.2842
daily_usage_«x»Average amount of time spent by users x days after the install (in seconds).501
session_count_«x»Total number of user sessions x days after the install.1240
user_count_«x»Number of users active x days after the install.401
session_length_«x»daily_usage_«x» ÷ session_count_«x».0.404
retention_«x»user_count_«x» ÷ installs.0.141

There is a fixed set of values for which you can track date ranges. x can be one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90.

Response Format

If your request includes format=csv, the response will be a comma-separated text file with column headings that have the same values as those in columns in your request.

2019-03-25,gb,"My Test App",142,81.24
2019-03-25,in,"My Test App",921,59.25