
Reporting API


Use this Reporting API to get aggregated campaign data in either JSON or CSV format.

Request Format

Make report requests by sending HTTP GET requests to the following base URL:

  • https://r.applovin.com/report

Required Parameters

api_keyYour Report Key
You can find this Report Key in the Keys tab of the account page in your AppLovin dashboard.
start*The start date of the report
Accepts a date in YYYY-MM-DD format or a Unix timestamp. For example, 2012-10-05 or 1336608000.
end*The end date of the report
Accepts a date in YYYY-MM-DD format or a Unix timestamp. For example, 2012-10-05 or 1336608000 or now.
formatThe format for the report
Accepts json or csv. See details on request format below.
columnsA comma-separated list of columns for the report
See the allowed columns below. For example, ad_id,day,campaign.
report_typeadvertiser (required)

*This API has a request window of 45 days. Make sure the date parameters are within the last 45 days.

Optional Parameters

day_columnMetrics are realtime by default; set this to day when you want to pull metrics under cohort (metrics are attributed back to serve time).
limitThe limit on the number of rows returned; for example, 500
offsetThe offset to begin fetching rows at; for example, 100
havingAllows complex filtering on numeric values.
This parameter accepts URL-encoded values of numeric columns, comparison operators, and logical operators, for example: impressions%20%3E%200%20AND%20cost%20%3E%200 (“impressions > 0 AND cost > 0”).
Note: This slows down the response and increases the likelihood of timeouts.
not_zeroSet this to 1 to filter results in which all numerical metrics have a value of 0.
Column NameContains
adAd name
ad_idAd ID. This does not change if the ad name changes.
campaignCampaign name
campaign_id_externalUnique reference to a campaign
This does not change when the campaign is renamed. It is the same value as the {CAMPAIGN_ID} click macro.
costAdvertiser spend
countryTwo letter country code
creative_setCreative set name
creative_set_idCreative set ID. This does not change if the creative set name changes.
dayDate of reporting data
hourHour of reporting data (only available for the past 30 days)

Optional Columns

Column NameContains
average_cpcAverage cost per click
campaign_bid_goalThe campaign bid goal, expressed as a dollar value ($), for CPP and CPE campaigns. You must also request the campaign column when you request this one.
chka_0dAttributed checkouts that occurred within 24 hours since the impression time
chka_1dAttributed checkouts that occurred within 48 hours since the impression time
chka_2dAttributed checkouts that occurred within 72 hours since the impression time
chka_3dAttributed checkouts that occurred within 96 hours since the impression time
chka_7dAttributed checkouts that occurred within 192 hours since the impression time
chka_usd_0dTotal attributed checkout revenue that occurred within 24 hours since the impression time
chka_usd_1dTotal attributed checkout revenue that occurred within 48 hours since the impression time
chka_usd_2dTotal attributed checkout revenue that occurred within 72 hours since the impression time
chka_usd_3dTotal attributed checkout revenue that occurred within 96 hours since the impression time
chka_usd_7dTotal attributed checkout revenue that occurred within 192 hours since the impression time
clicksNumber of clicks
cost_per_chka_0dCPP within 24 hours since the impression time
cost_per_chka_1dCPP within 48 hours since the impression time
cost_per_chka_2dCPP within 72 hours since the impression time
cost_per_chka_3dCPP within 96 hours since the impression time
cost_per_chka_7dCPP within 192 hours since the impression time
ctrNumber of clicks ÷ number of impressions
custom_page_idThe specific landing page
impressionsNumber of impressions
platformandroid, ios, fireos, or tvos
roas_0dCheckout ROAS generated within 24 hours since the impression time
roas_1dCheckout ROAS generated within 48 hours since the impression time
roas_2dCheckout ROAS generated within 72 hours since the impression time
roas_3dCheckout ROAS generated within 96 hours since the impression time
roas_7dCheckout ROAS generated within 192 hours since the impression time
salesCount of attributed sales events

Filtering Columns

You can filter reports by any column. When you do so, you search for a direct match to any of the filters.

To filter by a column, add the following URL parameter: filter_columnname=onefilter,anotherfilter,thirdfilter

For example, if you want to see data only for the Android platform, set the following URL parameter: filter_platform=Android

See the table above for a list of all columns.

Some columns support negative filters via filter_not_columnname=onefilter,anotherfilter. Additionally, the custom_page_id column supports filter_null_custom_page_id, filter_blank_custom_page_id, filter_not_null_custom_page_id, and filter_not_blank_custom_page_id options. These options do not require a value, i.e. …&filter_not_null_custom_page_id=&filter_not_blank_custom_page_id=&…

Sorting Columns

You sort reports in a similar way to how you filter reports.

For example, to sort a report by campaign, add the following URL parameter: sort_campaign=ASC

The accepted values are ASC for ascending or DESC for descending. All sorts are lexicographical sort.

Report Formats

You can request reports in two formats: JSON or CSV.

Time Zone

All data in the reporting API is in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

Example Request
