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Tenjin Tracking

1. Setting Up AppLovin in Tenjin

  1. In the Tenjin Dashboard, go to Channels.
  3. Select AppLovin.
  4. Enter your AppLovin Reporting Key and SDK Key, which you can find in the AppLovin dashboard under Accounts > Keys.

2. Setting Up an AppLovin Campaign in Tenjin

  1. In the Tenjin Dashboard, go to Campaigns.
  2. Click NEW CAMPAIGN.
  3. Select the AppLovin account you created in step #1, and select the app that the campaign is for.
  4. Make sure to enable the install callback (see section below)!

3. Setting Up an Install Callback

When you first create a campaign in Tenjin, the install callback is disabled by default. Enable it by clicking Generate Callback. When Tenjin successfully creates the callback, you will see a message that says “This callback is active.”

4. URL Formats

By default, Tenjin’s generated URLs will work in AppLovin’s dashboard. You can see these URLs on each campaign’s page. If you want to add additional parameters, and if Tenjin allows it, you can use other AppLovin URL macros.

See a list of AppLovin’s URL macros here.

5. Adding In-App Event Postbacks

AppLovin can attribute post-install events like app opens (for retention), purchases (for ROAS or CPA goals), or any other custom events. Tenjin requires that you set up each callback manually. To do this:

  1. Go to Apps.
  2. Select the app you are trying to define a callback for.
  3. Click NEW CALLBACK.
  4. Enter a Name, the event you want to notify AppLovin, select Ping Every Time, and make sure the method is GET.
  5. Enter the URL from below. Make sure to replace the italicized values with the correct ones that are specific to your case. The {Curly Bracketed} values will be replaced by Tenjin.«AppLovin_Event_Name»&sub_event=«Your_Name_For_Your_Event»&sdk_key=«Your_AppLovin_SDK_Key»&platform=«Platform»&package_name={bundle_id}&idfa={advertising_id}&dnt={limit_ad_tracking_integer}&did={click_id}&isclaimable={is_applovin}&revenue={revenue}&currency_code={currency}


  • AppLovin_Event_Name is
    • checkout for IAP or other revenue events
    • landing for app opens
    • postinstall for other events
  • Your_Name_For_Your_Event is anything you want to send to describe the event. AppLovin will only read this value if event=postinstall
  • Your_AppLovin_SDK_Key is the SDK Key that you can find in the AppLovin dashboard under Accounts > Keys
  • Platform is ios or android