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Traditionally Mediated Network Guides

This page shows you how you integrate a variety of SDK bidder networks as ad networks on the MAX mediation platform.

Before you start:

  1. Correctly integrate the supported MAX ad formats into your application.
  2. Add the adapters for the networks you intend to integrate by following the instructions in the Preparing Mediated Networks page for your platform.

After you complete this integration, you can validate it by using the Mediation Debugger.


Step 1. Create a Chartboost Account

To enable Chartboost ad inventory through MAX Mediation platform, you must have an approved account with Chartboost. If you do not have an account, sign up at the Chartboost site. Then begin by using Chartboost’s onboarding guide.

If you have already created an app with ad units, skip to Step 3 and activate Chartboost in your MAX ad units.

Step 2. Create an Application and a Campaign in Chartboost

Add Your App

To start monetizing your app with Chartboost, create an app.

  1. Log in to Chartboost.
  3. Click + APP.
  4. In the Add App screen, type your app’s bundle ID or ASIN in the App Bundle ID field. (If your app is not live yet, leave this blank. You can integrate the Chartboost SDK and run tests, then you can add this bundle ID later.)
  5. Check one of the checkboxes to indicate your app’s orientation. If your app is in both portrait and landscape orientation, check whichever is the default orientation.
  6. Click Save.

Chartboost. Dashboard. Add App. Platform: iOS. App Nickname (Will be referenced in the dashboard): MAX Test App. App Bundle ID. Import App. iTunes URL. App Orientation: ☑ Portrait, ☐ Landscape. Test Mode: ☑ Disabled, ☐ Enabled. Advanced Settings. Block Creative Types.

When you save your app, Chartboost generates and displays your app’s App ID and App Signature. You need these keys to request ads when you enable Chartboost in MAX Mediation. You can retrieve these keys by logging in to your Chartboost account and selecting DASHBOARD > APP SETTINGS > Basic Settings.

Chartboost. Dashboard. App Settings: Basic Settings. Platform: iOS. App Nickname (Will be referenced in the dashboard): MAX Test App. App Bundle ID. Import App. iTunes URL. App Orientation: ☑ Portrait, ☐ Landscape. Test Mode: ☑ Disabled, ☐ Enabled. Advanced Settings. Block Creative Types.

Start a New Campaign

After you create an app, start a new campaign. This enables Chartboost demand.

  1. Log in to your Chartboost dashboard.
  2. Click + CAMPAIGN.
  3. Select Network Publishing. The Network Publishing Campaign screen appears.
  4. Type a name for your publishing campaign, select which placement type your campaign will use, and choose its platform. For each ad format, create a seperate network publishing campaign.
  5. Choose the app and click Save.

Chartboost. Campaigns: Publishing. Network Publishing Campaign. Basic Settings. Enabled. Campaign Name: MAX_INTER_Campaign. Placement Type: Interstitial. Platform: iOS. 1 Apps Publishing this Campaign: MAX Test App. Select app(s). Advanced Settings. Campaign Targeting: Enabled. Target Name. Default.

Set up your payment details at Chartboost to enable payments by means of your preferred payment method. You must establish your payment details in order to receive fill from Chartboost.

Step 3. Enable Chartboost in Your MAX Account

  1. When you complete your Chartboost setup, log in to your MAX account.
  2. Select MAX > Manage > Ad Units.
  3. Click the MAX ad unit placement on which you want to enable Chartboost.
  4. Type the Chartboost App ID and App Signature values associated with the MAX ad unit you selected. If you have Ad Location values provided by Chartboost, you can also save them in your MAX ad unit configuration page.
  5. Click the Status bar to activate the network.
  6. Click ✓ Save. This enables Chartboost in the participating networks list for this ad unit.


Step 1. Create a CSJ Account

To enable CSJ ad inventory through MAX Mediation platform, you must have an approved monetization account with CSJ. If you do not have an account, sign up here.

If you already have ad units created in your CSJ dashboard, skip to Step 3 and activate CSJ in your MAX ad units.

Step 2. Create an Application and Placements in CSJ

Add Your App

To start monetizing your app with CSJ, add your app in the CSJ dashboard.

  1. Log in to the CSJ dashboard.
  2. Select Ad Realization > Application > Apps.
  3. Click + Add App. Ad Realization > Application > Apps > + Add App button
  4. In the Add App form, enter the information about your application. Add App. App Status (Live / Test). Test ad placements will not be billed. App URL (Please enter the App store url of the app detail page). supported platforms. Bundle ID (For example: com.XXX.XXXXX). Application Icon (Upload button). Some apps allow automatically importing icons from app store; otherwise, please manually upload a 1:1 JPG or PNG file less than 1MB, maximum dimensions of 1024*1024. Validity verification. Start verification after filling out the information. Category (Please ensure your category selection is as consistent with the store listing. The category cannot be modified). Blacklists (Select a blocking rule). App Name (Please enter). Child Protection (Please select).

After you save the app, you will see a listing for the app with its app ID. App name/ID, OS, Category

Create an Ad Placement

  1. Select Ad Realization > Application > Ad Placements.
  2. Click + Add Ad Placements.
  3. In the Add Ad Placement selector, choose an ad format for your app. Enter the requested information. Add Ad Placement. Native Ads. Banner Ads. New Interstitial Ads. Splash Ads. Rewarded Video Ads. Vertical Draw Video Ads. Create New Interstitial Ads. Basic Settings. Ad Size (Full Screen Interstitial / Half screen interstitial). App (All Apps). Ad Placement Name. Renderint type (Template). For “Traditional” placements, CSJ will return the creatives of the selected sizes. Publishers will need to show the ad according to relevant guidelines in the Help Center. (Video And Image / Image Only / Video Only). Video Voice Control: Normal sound. Orientation (Vertical / Horizontal). Display “Close” Button After N Seconds (5s): Used To Control Skip Button Display, Set Between 0s–15s. Advanced Settings. Set Expected CPM (No expected CPM / Set expected CPM): No base price for the ad slot; CSJ intelligently returns ads. Blacklist Management (Please select).
  4. Click Submit to save the placement. Your placement will appear in a list of ad placements. Make note of the placement ID. Ad Placement Name/ID, App Name/ID

To enable CSJ in MAX Mediation, you need your CSJ app ID and the ad placement IDs associated with the app you created. You can find the app ID in the Apps section of the CSJ dashboard. You can find the ad placement IDs in the Ad Placements section.

Establish your payment details in the Account Information section. You must establish your payment details in order to receive a fill from CSJ.

Step 3. Enable CSJ in Your MAX Account

  1. Log into your MAX account.
  2. Select MAX > Manage > Ad Units.
  3. Click the MAX ad unit placement on which you want to enable CSJ.
  4. Type the CSJ app ID and ad placement IDs associated with the MAX ad unit you selected.
  5. Click the Status bar to activate the network.
  6. Click ✓ Save. This enables CSJ in the participating networks list for this ad unit.

Google AdMob

Step 1. Create a Google AdMob Account

To access Google AdMob ad inventory through MAX Mediation platform, you must have a valid account with Google AdMob. If you do not have an account, sign up at the Google AdMob site.

If you already have a Google AdMob account, skip to Step 3 and activate Google AdMob in your MAX ad units. AppLovin recommends that you create new placement IDs, as this improves the accuracy of what MAX reports.

Step 2. Create an Application and Ad Units in Google AdMob

Add Your App

  1. Log into your Google AdMob account.

  2. Click the Apps button in the left navigation bar.

  3. To monetize using MAX Mediation, you have three choices:

    1. Search for an existing app.
    2. Add a new app.
    3. Select an existing app.

    You must create a unique Google AdMob application per platform (iOS and Android). Google AdMob. Apps: Add App / View All Apps.

  4. After you establish an app in your Google AdMob account, create individual ad units with CPM floors. For each ad format, follow the instructions below. Create ad unit. ① Select ad format. Test (iOS). Banner: Rectangular ads that occupy a portion of an app’s layout, can be refreshed automatically after a period of time. Interstitial: Full-page ad format that appears at natural breaks and transitions, such as level completion. Rewarded: Ad format that rewards users for watching ads. Great for monetizing free-to-play users. Native advanced: Customizable ad format that matches the look and feel of your app, appears inline with app content.

Format-Specific Instructions

  1. In the Create ad unit section, select the Banner format.

  2. Type a name for this ad unit in the Ad Unit Name field.

  3. In the Advanced Settings section, set the following:

    • Ad Type: Check both Text, image, and rich media and Video.
    • Automatic Refresh: Select Disabled.
    • eCPM Floor: Type the amount listed in your MAX banner ad unit page.

    Create ad unit. ② Configure ad unit settings. MAX Test App (iOS). Ad format: Banner. Ad unit name: TestApp_Banner_iOS_1.0. Ad type: ☑ Text, image, and rich media; ☑ Video. Automatic refresh: ☐ Google optimized, ☐ Custom, ☑ Disabled. eCPM floor: Enabled. Enter global eCPM floor: $1.00. Add country-specific floors. Create Ad Unit.

  4. Click CREATE AD UNIT to save. Make sure to note your Google bidding and Google AdMob app ID and the Ad Unit ID. Create ad unit. Ad unit successfully created. Note that new ad units may take up to an hour to start showing ads. Why not test your ad units while you wait? Next, place the ad unit inside your app. Follow these instructions: 1: Complete the instructions in the Google Mobile Ads SDK guide using this app ID. 2: Follow the banner implementation guide to integrate the SDK. You’ll specify ad type, size, and placement when you integrate the code using this ad unit ID. 3: Review the AdMob policies to ensure your implementation complies. Email instructions. Done. Create another ad unit.

  5. Click CREATE ANOTHER AD UNIT if you want to create more banner ad units.

After you create all the Google AdMob ad units you need, you can get their placement IDs by selecting Ad Units in the left navigation bar.

Google AdMob. Apps: Ad units. Add ad unit. Search for ad units by ad unit name, ad unit ID, and ad format.

Step 3. Enable Google AdMob in Your MAX Account

  1. When you complete your Google AdMob setup, log in to your MAX account.
  2. Select MAX > Manage > Ad Units.
  3. Click the MAX ad unit placement on which you want to enable Google AdMob.
  4. Type the Google AdMob App ID value(s) associated with the MAX ad unit you selected.
  5. Click the Status bar to activate the network.
  6. Click ✓ Save. This enables Google AdMob in the participating networks list for this ad unit.

Content URL Mapping Support

MAX supports Google’s content mapping for apps. This enables you to deliver contextually relevant ads from Google AdMob. To use this feature, integrate:

  1. Google Adapter version: or later
  2. MAX SDK version: 11.0.0 or later

Single-Content URL Mapping

To pass a single-content URL, call setLocalExtraParameterForKey on the ad object. Pass that function the URL string:

-[setLocalExtraParameterForKey: "google_content_url" value: NSString]

Multi-Content URL Mapping

To pass multi-content URLs, call setLocalExtraParameterForKey on the ad object. Pass that function a list of URL strings:

-[setLocalExtraParameterForKey: "google_neighbouring_content_url_strings" value: NSArray<NSString *>]


Step 1. Create an HyprMX Account

Contact a HyprMX representative for help with creating your account.

Step 2. Create an Application and Placements in HyprMX

Contact a HyprMX representative for help with creating an application and placements. They will give you the Distributor ID and the Placement Name that you need to enable HyprMX on MAX.

Step 3. Enable HyprMX in Your MAX Account

  1. When you have the HyprMX instance IDs you need, log in to your MAX account.
  2. Select MAX > Manage > Ad Units.
  3. Click the MAX ad unit placement on which you want to enable HyprMX.
  4. Type the HyperMX instance IDs associated with the MAX ad unit you selected in the Placement Name section.
  5. Click the Status bar to activate the network.
  6. Click ✓ Save.


Step 1. Create an ironSource Account

To enable ironSource ad inventory through MAX Mediation platform, you must have an approved account with ironSource. If you do not have an account, sign up at the ironSource site.

If you already have an account, skip to Step 3 and activate ironSource in your MAX ad units.

Step 2. Create an Application in ironSource

Add Your App

To start monetizing your app with ironSource, add your app on the ironSource dashboard.

  1. Log in to your ironSource account.

  2. Select Apps > App Management.

  3. Click New App (in the upper right corner of the page). Welcome to the ironSource Dashboard: Mobile Monetization and Promotion Platform. New App. Monetize Your App: Developers across the globe use our cloud-based SDK to serve beautiful video and native ads to generate significant revenue: Set up ad units. Integrate Our SDK: Every app is built differently. Experts at ironSource will guide you in customizing and localizing your content to reach the right audience: Download SDK.

  4. If your app is live in the App Store or on Google Play, choose Mobile App and enter your app’s URL as it appears in the App Store or Google Play. Then click Import App Info.

    If your app is not live yet, choose App Not Live in the Application Store, enter a temporary app name in the Temporary Name field, and choose the platform. Then click Add App.

    Add New App. Enter App Details. ☐ Moble App, ☑ App Not Live in the Application Store. That’s ok, we will ask you to verify the application store info before you start monetizing with live ads. Temporary Name: MAX_Test_App. Platform: ☑ iOS, ☐ Android. Add App.

  5. Set up your payment details as described in “How to set up your payment method” in the ironSource Knowledge Center. This enables payments to your preferred payment method. You must set up your payment details in order to switch your app(s) from Test mode to Live!. The Rewarded Video is a user-initiated video that rewards users with in-app content in exchange for ad views. ironSource provides a buffer-free, HD video experience in a skippable format. This ad unit supports ad placements as well as capping and pacing. Rewarded video status. In order to switch to live, you must first provide more details. ironSource Network: Off / Test / Live. Additional Networks: 1 Active Network. Mediation Setup. Configure Test Devices. Placements. New Placement. Placement Name / Reward / Capping and Pacing. Callbacks: Define Server to Server Callbacks. Client Side Callbacks: On. Learn about Callbacks in our Knowledge Center.

ironSource Instances

If you have the ironSource Instances feature activated in your account, you can also add instance IDs in your MAX ad unit configuration page to enable ironSource as a mediated network.

AppLovin recommends that you use the “Flat eCPM for all/specific countries” setting for instance IDs that you enable through MAX. This improves the accuracy of reporting.

If you want to use ironSource instances, contact your ironSource Account Manager for more information. You can read more about how to create instance IDs at “IronSource Instances Setup” in the ironSource Knowledge Center.

Step 3. Enable ironSource in Your MAX Account

  1. When you have the ironSource instance IDs you need, log in to your MAX account.
  2. Select MAX > Manage > Ad Units.
  3. Click the MAX ad unit placement on which you want to enable ironSource.
  4. Type the ironSource instance IDs associated with the MAX ad unit you selected in the Placement Name section.
  5. Click the Status bar to activate the network.
  6. Click ✓ Save. This enables ironSource in the participating networks list for this ad unit.


Step 1. Create a LINE Account

Register for a LINE account at the LINE site or contact your LINE representative to create your account.

Step 2. Create an Application and Placements in LINE

Add Your App

To add your app, follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to LINE.
  2. Select 広告枠管理 > メディア in the upper tab menu.
  3. Click 新規作成 to create a new app. FIVE Dashboard. 広告枠管理. メディア. 新規作成.
  4. Set your app settings as follows:
    • 名前: Type the name of your app.
    • アプリの概要: Type a description of your app.
    • ストアURL: Type the Store URL.
    • プラットフォーム: Choose APP.
    • パッケージ名: Type the bundle ID or package name.
    • OS: Choose iOS or Android.
    • カテゴリー: Category.
  5. Click 登録 to add your app.

メディア. 名前. アプリの概要. ストアURL. プラットフォーム. パッケージ名. OS. カテゴリー. 登録.

Add a New Slot

To add a new slot, follow these instructions:

  1. Click the name of the app for which you want to add a new slot.

  2. Select 詳細. ID. 名前. MAX Test App iOS.

  3. Click スロット追加. MAX Test App iOS. スロット追加.

  4. Set your slot settings:

    1. 名前: Type a name for the Slot you want to add.
    2. フォーマット: Format.
      • Banner: バナー320x50.
      • MREC: レクタングル300x250.
      • Interstitial: インタースティシャル.
      • Rewarded: 動画リワード縦向き for portrait, 動画リワード横向き for landscape.
      • To use Native format, please contact your LINE representative.
    3. Click 登録 to add your new Slot.
      • To set a CPM floor price, contact your LINE representative.

    フォーマット. 名前: Test App iOS Banner. フォーマット: バナー320x50 (640×100). 登録

  5. After you create your first placement, click 審査申請 to get approval from LINE. This may take a while. Contact your LINE representative if you have any questions. MAX Test App iOS. 審査申請

Get Your App ID and Slot ID

You can retrieve your App ID by selecting 広告枠管理 > メディア. You can retrieve your Slot ID from the app details page.

ID. 名前. MAX Test App iOS. ID. 名前. Test App iOS Banner.

Step 3. Enable LINE in Your MAX Account

  1. When you complete your LINE setup, log in to your MAX account
  2. Select MAX > Manage > Ad Units.
  3. Click the MAX ad unit placement on which you want to enable LINE.
  4. Type the LINE App ID and the LINE Slot IDs associated with the MAX ad unit you selected along with the CPM floors.
  5. Click the Status bar to activate the network.
  6. Click ✓ Save. This enables LINE in the participating networks list for this ad unit.


Step 1. Create a Maio Account

To enable Maio ad inventory through MAX Mediation platform, you must have an approved account with Maio. If you do not have an account, sign up through this form.

If you already have an Maio account, skip to Step 3 and activate Maio in your MAX ad units. AppLovin recommends that you create new placement IDs, as this improves the accuracy of what MAX reports.

Step 2. Create an Application and Placements in Maio

Add Your App

If you have already created an app, skip to Add a New Placement below to create a Zone ID for your MAX integration.

  1. Log in to your Maio account.
  2. Select Apps (アプリ管理) from the menu on the left.
  3. Select New App (新規アプリ) to create a new app. maio. Home: アプリ管理. 新規アプリ.
  4. Set your App Settings:
    • Name (名称): Type the name of your app.
    • Platform (プラットフォーム): Choose iOS or Android.
    • URL (アプリURL): Type the store URL of the app.
    • URL Scheme (URLスキーム): Leave this blank.
    • Default Zone (広告タイプ(既定ゾーン)): Choose Rewarded (動画リワード) or Interstitial (動画インタースティシャル). You can add another ad type later.
  5. Click Submit (更新) to add your app. 新規アプリ. Home: アプリ管理. 新規アプリ. 名称: MAX Test App. プラットフォーム: iOS. アプリURL: URLスキーム. 広告タイプ(既定ゾーン): ☑ 動画リワード, ☐ 動画インタースティシャル. 更新.

Take note of your Media ID (メディアID) for the app.

アプリ名: MAX Test App. プラットフォーム: iOS. メディアID.

Add a New Placement

After you create your app, you can create new placements or use the default placement created by Maio. To create a new placement, follow these instructions:

  1. Select Placements (ゾーン管理).
  2. Click New Placement (新規ゾーン). maio. Home: ゾーン管理. 新規ゾーン.
  3. Input the necessary details to create a Maio placement:
    • Name (名称): Type a name for the placement.
    • App (アプリ): Choose the app for which you want to make the new placement.
    • Ad Type (タイプ): Choose Rewarded (動画リワード) or Interstitial (動画インタースティシャル).
  4. Click Submit (更新) to add your new placement. Home: 新規ゾーン. 名称: MAX Test App INTER. アプリ: MAX Test App. タイプ: ☐ 動画リワード, ☑ 動画インタースティシャル. 更新.

Note the Zone ID (ゾーンID) of the placement you added. You need it in Step 3 to enable your new placement on MAX.

ゾーン名: MAX Test App INTER. アプリ名: MAX Test App. ゾーンID.

If you want to create placements with price floors, contact your Maio account team for instructions.

Step 3. Enable Maio in Your MAX Account

  1. When you have the Media ID and Zone ID, log in to your MAX account.
  2. Select MAX > Manage > Ad Units.
  3. Click the MAX ad unit placement on which you want to enable Maio.
  4. Type the Media ID and the Zone ID associated with the MAX ad unit you selected.
  5. Click the Status bar to activate the network.
  6. Click ✓ Save. This enables Maio in the participating networks list for this ad unit.


Step 1. Create a Tencent Ad Network Account

To enable Tencent ad inventory through MAX Mediation platform, you must have an approved monetization account with Tencent. If you do not have an account, sign up at the Tencent site.

If you already have ad units created in your Tencent dashboard, skip to Step 3 and activate Tencent in your MAX ad units.

Step 2. Create an Application and Placements in Tencent

Add Your App

To start monetizing your app with Tencent, create an app in the Tencent dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Tencent dashboard.

  2. Select Application (流量合作), create an app, and enter the requested information for your application. 流量合作. 我的广告位. 新建广告位.

  3. After you save your app, click Add Placement (新建广告位) under My Placement (我的广告位). Create your Tencent placement IDs for each ad format.

    • For Banner and Interstitial, select the 2.0 creative type: Banner 2.0 for Banner, and Interstitial 2.0 (插屏2.0) for interstitial.
    • For Rewarded Video, select the regular Rewarded Video (激励视频).

    Solitare Classic: Banner 2.0, 插屏2.0, 激励视频.

To enable Tencent in MAX Mediation, you need your App ID and the Ad Slot IDs that Tencent associates with the ad units you created. You can find your Ad Slot ID in the Add Placement (我的广告位) section. You can find your App ID in the Application (流量合作) section, listed in the left navigation bar.

我的广告位, 流量合作

Set up your payment details in the Payment Information section. You must set up your payment details in order to receive fill from Tencent.

Step 3. Enable Tencent in Your MAX Account

  1. When you complete your Tencent setup, log in to your MAX account.
  2. Select MAX > Manage > Ad Units.
  3. Click the MAX ad unit placement on which you want to enable Tencent.
  4. Type the Tencent App ID and the Ad Slot ID values associated with the MAX ad unit you selected.
  5. Click the Status bar to activate the network.
  6. Click ✓ Save. This enables Tencent in the participating networks list for this ad unit.