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Tracking URL Macros

Device Identifier (Required){IDFA}
Fire OS only: {HADID}
Apple IDFA or Google Advertising ID
Fire OS: lowercased then SHA1-hashed Android ID
AppLovin Device ID (Required){DID}AppLovin Internal ID
Application ID{APP_ID}Hashed ID of the applications where ads are served
Placement ID{PLACEMENT_ID}Encrypted ID of the applications where ads are served. Needed for API Source bidding.
IP Address (IPv4){IP}The user’s IP address (blank if user has IPv6)
IP Address{DEVICE_IP}The user’s IP address. Will populate with IPv4 or IPv6, depending on which the user has.
Type of Device{DEVICE_TYPE}phone, tablet, or other, where other is iPod
Device Model{DEVICE_MODEL}The model name of the user’s device
Model Name{MODEL_NAME}The iOS model name of the user’s device. This macro returns the same information as {DEVICE_MODEL} for Android.
Device Brand{DEVICE_BRAND}The brand of the user’s device
OS Version{OS_VERSION}The OS Version of the user’s device
Browser User Agent{USER_AGENT}The User Agent of the user’s device
Locale{LOCALE}The primary local of the user’s device
Type of Creative{AD_TYPE}graphic, video, or reward
Size of Creative{AD_SIZE}inter, native, banner, mrec, or leader
Name of Creative{AD_NAME}Name of the ad in AppDiscovery
Ad ID{AD_ID}The internal ID of the Ad that served
Creative Set ID{CREATIVE_SET}Name of the Creative Set associated with the Ad that served
Name of Campaign{CAMPAIGN_NAME}Name of the campaign in AppDiscovery
External Campaign ID{CAMPAIGN_ID}Hashed campaign ID. This value won’t change when a campaign is renamed.
Country Code{CC}Two-letter country code of the user who was shown an ad.
City{CITY}Name of the city based on Geo-IP lookup. Blank if unknown.
iTunes ID or Google Package Name{PACKAGE_NAME}iTunes ID or Google Package name of the app associated with the campaign.
Event ID{EVENT_ID}A unique ID of the the ad request that resulted in this ad being shown. This ID will be the same value for clicks and impressions for the same ad response.
SKA Campaign ID{SKA_CAMPAIGN_ID}The SKAdNetwork Campaign ID (1–100).