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How to Find Your AppLovin SDK Version

You can discover which AppLovin SDK version you are using in multiple ways:


The AppLovin SDK prints the SDK version to the log as part of the initialization process. You will find these lines in the device log:

AppLovin SDK
Version: «X».«XX».«X»


Native Android

You can retrieve the version programmatically through a field in the SDK. The following code snippets show how to do this in Java and Kotlin:

String version = AppLovinSdk.VERSION;
int versionCode = AppLovinSdk.VERSION_CODE;

Native iOS

You can retrieve the version programmatically by means of a property in the SDK. The following code snippets show how to do this in Objective-C and Swift:

NSString *version = [ALSdk version];
NSUInteger versionCode = [ALSdk versionCode];

AppLovin MAX Mediation Debugger

You can also find the version in the Mediation Debugger, which you can show in your app by means of an SDK method (after the SDK initializes). The following code snippets show how to do this.
