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Interstitial Ads

Loading an Interstitial Ad

The following code shows you how to attach listeners and load the first interstitial:

final String _interstitial_ad_unit_ID = Platform.isAndroid ? "«Android-ad-unit-ID»" : "«iOS-ad-unit-ID»";
const int _maxExponentialRetryCount = 6;
var _interstitialRetryAttempt = 0;
void initializeInterstitialAds() {
onAdLoadedCallback: (ad) {
// Interstitial ad is ready to show. AppLovinMAX.isInterstitialReady(_interstitial_ad_unit_ID) now returns 'true'.
print('Interstitial ad loaded from ' + ad.networkName);
// Reset retry attempt
_interstitialRetryAttempt = 0;
onAdLoadFailedCallback: (adUnitId, error) {
// Interstitial ad failed to load.
// AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds).
_interstitialRetryAttempt = _interstitialRetryAttempt + 1;
if (_interstitialRetryAttempt > _maxExponentialRetryCount) return;
int retryDelay = pow(2, min(_maxExponentialRetryCount, _interstitialRetryAttempt)).toInt();
print('Interstitial ad failed to load with code ' + error.code.toString() + ' - retrying in ' + retryDelay.toString() + 's');
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: retryDelay * 1000), () {
onAdDisplayedCallback: (ad) {
onAdDisplayFailedCallback: (ad, error) {
onAdClickedCallback: (ad) {
onAdHiddenCallback: (ad) {
// Load the first interstitial.

Showing an Interstitial Ad

To show an interstitial ad, call showInterstitial():

bool isReady = (await AppLovinMAX.isInterstitialReady(_interstitial_ad_unit_ID))!;
if (isReady) {