This page shows you how to download, import, and configure the AppLovin React Native module.
Download the Latest Module
Download the AppLovin MAX React Native module through npm
by issuing the following command:
npm install react-native-applovin-max
To receive release updates, subscribe to the AppLovin MAX React Native module GitHub repository.
Integrate Custom SDK Adapters
AppLovin Exchange (ALX) supports a custom adapter for LinkedIn. Follow the instructions below to integrate the adapter on Android or iOS. More information can be found here.
Android Instructions
iOS Instructions
To install the adapter:
- Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'AppLovinDSPLinkedInAdapter'
- Run the following on the command line:
Terminal window pod install --repo-update
Enable Ad Review
To enable the MAX Ad Review service, follow the instructions below:
Android Instructions
Add the following at the end of your build.gradle
Additions to Root-Level build.gradle
buildscript { repositories { maven { url '' } } dependencies { classpath "com.applovin.quality:AppLovinQualityServiceGradlePlugin:+" }}
buildscript { repositories { maven { url = uri("") } } dependencies { classpath ("com.applovin.quality:AppLovinQualityServiceGradlePlugin:+") }}
Additions to App-Level build.gradle
apply plugin: 'applovin-quality-service'applovin { apiKey "«your-ad-review-key»"}
plugins { id("applovin-quality-service")}applovin { apiKey = "«your-ad-review-key»"}
You can find your Ad Review Key in the Account > General > Keys section of the AppLovin dashboard.
iOS Instructions
Download AppLovinQualityServiceSetup-ios.rb
and move it into your project folder.
Open a terminal window, cd
to your project directory, and run:
ruby AppLovinQualityServiceSetup-ios.rb
Initialize the SDK
Add the code snippet below into your app’s main home screen:
import AppLovinMAX, { Configuration } from "react-native-applovin-max";
AppLovinMAX.initialize("«your-SDK-key»").then((conf: Configuration) => { // SDK is initialized, start loading ads}).catch(error => { // Failed to initialize SDK});
You can find your SDK key in the Account > General > Keys section of the AppLovin dashboard.
Ad assets that are fully cached result in a better user experience. For this reason, always initialize the AppLovin SDK on startup. This gives mediated networks the maximum amount of time to cache ads. This is especially important with video ads.
iOS 14 Support
In iOS 14, Apple introduced global privacy policy changes. Apple requires applications to comply with these new policies. If you fail to comply, you may lose revenue. This section explains how to comply.
Update your app’s Info.plist
with network-specific identifiers.
See the SKAdNetwork documentation for instructions.
Consent and Data APIs
You must obtain consent from your users in certain jurisdictions on behalf of AppLovin’s monetization partners. You must also correctly pass consent values to AppLovin. To learn how to do these things, review the Privacy–Consent, Age-Related Flags, and Data APIs documentation.
iOS 15 Global SKAdNetwork Reporting
Starting with iOS 15, Apple allows developers to send a copy of their SKAdNetwork install postbacks to an endpoint of their choice. MAX includes a Global SKAdNetwork Report (MAX > Mediation > Analyze > Global SKA Report). You can use this to access the SKAdNetwork data across all of your network partners in one place.
React Native v5 Migration Guide
Version 5 of the React Native module includes major updates to support Promises and callbacks. This breaks backward-compatibility. This section summarizes these updates.
Native UI Components (AppLovinMAX.AdView
and AppLovinMAX.NativeAdView
) can declare callbacks directly in the component itself.
There are now type-specific event listeners rather than generic event listeners that take the type as an argument.
For example there is now AppLovinMAX.addInterstitialLoadedEventListener(listener)
instead of AppLovinMAX.addEventListener(type, listener)
Several formerly synchronous methods with return values now use the Promises architecture.
You can use chaining via then
or async
when you access the value passed by the Promise
The following table shows the updated methods.
method | resolve return type | reject return type |
AppLovinMAX.getAdaptiveBannerHeightForWidth(width) | height (float ) | ⸺ |
AppLovinMAX.hasUserConsent() | boolean | ⸺ |
AppLovinMAX.initialize(sdkKey) | Configuration object | error |
AppLovinMAX.isAgeRestrictedUser() | boolean | ⸺ |
AppLovinMAX.isAppOpenAdReady(adunitId) | boolean | error |
AppLovinMAX.isDoNotSell() | boolean | ⸺ |
AppLovinMAX.isInitialized() | boolean | ⸺ |
AppLovinMAX.isInterstitialReady(adUnitId) | boolean | error |
AppLovinMAX.isMuted() | boolean | ⸺ |
AppLovinMAX.isRewardedAdReady(adunitId) | boolean | error |
AppLovinMAX.isTablet() | boolean | ⸺ |
AppLovinMAX.showConsentDialog() | null | error |
You can also reference this commit in the demo app which demonstrates what a migration to use these new methods might look like.
React Native v6 Migration Guide
Version 6 of the React Native module includes major updates to support TypeScript and modules. This breaks backward-compatibility. This section summarizes these updates.
TypeScript became the React Native default application programming language as of React Native version 0.71. Version 6 of the React Native module migrates the code base to TypeScript.
Previous versions exported a single module, AppLovinMAX
, which encompassed all of the functions of MAX.
Version 6 introduces a set of modules into which these various functions are categorized.
The architecture of version 6 is similar to that of version 5, but the signatures of the functions are updated to adapt to this introduction of modules.
The major new modules are as follows:
module | functionality |
AppLovinMAX (default) | integration (initialization and general-purpose functions) |
Privacy | privacy, terms flow |
AppOpenAd | app open ads |
BannerAd | banner ads |
InterstitialAd | interstitial ads |
MRecAd | medium rectangle (MREC) ads |
NativeAdView | native ads |
RewardedAd | rewarded ads |
AdView | banners and MRECs (UI components) |
Example Migration
import AppLovinMAX from 'react-native-applovin-max';
AppLovinMAX.addInterstitialLoadedEventListener((adInfo) => { const isInterstitialReady = await AppLovinMAX.isInterstitialReady(«ad-unit-ID»); if (isInterstitialReady) { AppLovinMAX.showInterstitial(«ad-unit-ID»); }});
import { InterstitialAd, type AdInfo } from 'react-native-applovin-max';
InterstitialAd.addAdLoadedEventListener((adInfo: AdInfo) => { const isInterstitialReady = await InterstitialAd.isAdReady(«ad-unit-ID»); if (isInterstitialReady) { InterstitialAd.showAd(«ad-unit-ID»); }});