
Using Rewarded Videos More Effectively


A rewarded video gives something valuable to the viewer to compensate the viewer for watching the ad.

The best place to show a rewarded video in a game is where the user might need something extra, such as more coins, an additional life, a hint, etc.

However, some users in-app purchase extras like these. For this reason, offering a rewarded advertisement instead might not always be optimal for your revenue.

You should test rewarded videos. When you do, observe which users watch the videos, and at what location in the app they engage. Such insights help you determine optimal points in your app where you can offer rewarded video, and which users engage with them. This helps you further optimize your video usage.

Best Practices for Rewarded Videos

  • You highlight the reward during the game tutorial, or via a daily notification. This way users are aware of the placement.
  • The reward has high value to the user. This maximizes engagement.
  • Placement is frequency-capped. This ensures the reward does not become saturated. For example, only offer one or two rewarded videos per day.

Reward Examples

Here are some examples of rewards you might offer a user who watches a rewarded ad:

Period Boost
Increased player strength or some other game benefit for a limited portion of time.
Daily Bonus
For example: “Watch video in exchange for daily bonus.”
Speed Up User Action
For example: “Watch video to finalize building now.”