
Preparing Mediated Networks


This page shows you how to integrate MAX mediation network adapters in your app. Choose which mediated ad networks you want to integrate by checking the boxes below. Then this page will display instructions specific to those networks.


Select the ad networks you want to integrate. Then follow the Android-specific instructions on this page.


Select the ad networks you want to integrate. Then follow the iOS-specific instructions on this page.

Integration Manager

You can access the AppLovin Integration Manager from your Unity IDE. It allows you to install or upgrade mediation adapters and the mediation plugin itself.

To launch the Integration Manager, select AppLovin > Integration Manager from the Unity menu bar.

AppLovin > Integration Manager

This displays a pop up window with a list of available mediation networks. You can Install or Upgrade ad networks by clicking buttons in the Action column.

AppLovin Integration Manager: AppLovin MAX Plugin Details. Mediated Networks. AppLovin Quality Service. Unity Environment Details

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