
Best Practices


AppLovin is committed to maintaining the highest standards of supply quality. It regularly checks to ensure that apps comply with the AppLovin Terms of Use and Publisher Policies. The guidelines below help you comply with these requirements, prevent your app inventory from being flagged as fraudulent, and reduce the risk of your account being suspended.

If you have questions, contact policy@applovin.com or submit a ticket to the developer support team.

Before You Set Up Your Account

Integration Best Practices

  • Avoid automating ad requests through scripts, bots, or other non-human entities.
  • Avoid banner refresh rates less than ten seconds. This gives users a chance to engage with the ad.
  • Make sure your ads don’t draw unnatural attention, mislead users, or appear in places that may cause invalid clicks. If AppLovin finds a large amount of invalid activity in your app(s), you risk account suspension.
  • When you test, do not click on your own ads or use any means to inflate impressions and/or clicks artificially. You can use a variety of testing tools to validate your integration without creating artificial traffic.
  • Update to the latest AppLovin SDKs to take advantage of improvements and bug fixes.
  • Double-check your ad implementations. Make sure they are free from programming errors and that you send ad requests in a timely manner. If you send repetitive requests for the same impressions, AppLovin may throttle your requests. This may put your account at risk of suspension.

Account Best Practices

  • Your app should be live in a valid app store. Verify that the correct package name is present in the UI for each app on the Manage > Ad Units page.
  • Minimize the number of active AppLovin accounts that you use. Make sure your primary account email address is valid. It is best to use your company domain and the email listed in the app store. You may be asked to verify ownership of the app from the email listed in the app store.
  • Use accurate CPM prices for your networks within MAX–prices that reflect the actual CPM paid to you by the network. The best way to do this is to enable auto-CPM for non-bidding networks and/or to prioritize bidding networks. This automatically updates CPM prices for you. You can verify CPMs are properly reported within MAX by using the Network Comparison report.
  • Create an app-ads.txt file that includes AppLovin’s and your network partners’ line items. This enables buyers to verify that those ad sources are authorized to sell your inventory.
  • Add your developer website root domain to the Domain field within the Account > Basic info page.
  • Do not mediate MAX within an internal or third-party mediation. As the AppLovin Publisher Policies make clear, this is unauthorized use of MAX. It will lead to account suspension.

Live App Best Practices

  • Discourage users from repeatedly clicking the ads on your app. This discourages invalid clicks.
  • Do not encourage users, through misleading or deceptive tactics, to click on ads. Examples include (but aren’t limited to): directly asking for users to support your app, offering rewards to users for clicking ads, or promising to raise money for third parties for such behavior.
  • Partner with a traffic monitoring company such as DoubleVerify to help you identify fraudulent behavior and maintain traffic quality.