Bid Requests
AppLovin RTB bid requests always carry a single impression (this differs from the OpenRTB schema).
Each request has exactly one impression object (imp
The AppLovin RTB Exchange does not support multiple seats per bidder.
It ignores the seat whitelist wseat
Bid Request Object
Attribute | Description | Always Passed? |
app | Details about the publisher’s app, via an App object (see App Object). | yes |
at | Auction type. If 1 then first-price auction; if 2 then second-price auction. Always 1 for AppLovin. | yes |
bapp | Block list of applications by their platform-specific, exchange-independent application identifiers. On Android, these are bundle or package names (such as “ ”); on iOS, these are numeric IDs. Note: This field is sent on an opt-in basis. Contact your account manager if you want to be enabled for this field. A maximum of 30 bundles are passed. Bids containing other bundle IDs blocked by publishers are invalidated and do not participate in the auction. | no |
badv | Block list of advertisers by their top-level domains (for example, “ ”). A maximum of 30 domains are passed. Bids containing other domains blocked by publishers are invalidated and do not participate in the auction. | no |
bcat | Blocked IAB categories for this impression. See Blocked Categories for a list. | no |
device | Details about the user’s device to which the impression is delivered, via a Device object (see Device Object). | yes |
ext | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. | yes |
id | Unique ID of the bid request | yes |
imp | Array of Impression objects representing the impressions offered (see Impression Object). Only one impression object is passed. | yes |
regs | An object that specifies any industry, legal, or governmental regulations in force for this request. | no |
regs.ext.ccpa | Flag indicating if this request is subject to the CCPA regulations, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. | yes, if regs is passed |
regs.ext.consent | Flag indicating if a user has granted consent, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. | no |
regs.ext.gdpr | Flag indicating if this request is subject to the GDPR regulations, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. | yes, if regs is passed |
regs.ext.us_privacy | See OpenRTB Extension for US Privacy | no |
source | An object that provides data about the inventory source and which entity makes the final decision. | no |
source.ext | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. AppLovin passes schain in the extension with subobject ver , complete , and nodes . Refer to IAB’s spec. | yes, if source is passed |
tmax | Maximum time, in milliseconds, to submit a bid to avoid timeout. Default is 500 ms. | yes |
user | Details about the human user of the device: the advertising audience. | no | | Contains the name , id , and segment objects. | no | | If applicable, contains data specific to the ad unit, entered by the publisher in the MAX Dashboard. | no | | Contains the signal field which contains any custom data the SDK bidder collects and passes to MAX SDK via the adapter (e.g. identity token required by the network so that networks or bidders can respond to a bid request). | no |
user.ext | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. | no |
user.ext.consent | 0 if the user did not grant consent; 1 if the user granted consent. | no |
user.ext.gdpr | 0 if the user is not subject to GDPR; 1 if the user is subject to GDPR. | no | | AppLovin-specific device ID for each user within each app. | no |
App Object
Attribute | Description | Always Passed? |
bundle | Application iTunes ID or package name. On Android, this is the package name, for example . On iOS, this is the iTunes ID, for example 628677149 . | no |
cat | IAB content categories for the Application. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 List 5.1 for details. | yes |
content | Object that describes the content where the impression will appear for certain requests, including CTV inventory. Aligns to OpenRTB Specification 3.2.16. | no |
content.ext | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB, including CTV inventory. | no |
content.url | URL of the content, for buy-side contextualization or review. | no |
ext | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. | no |
ext.orientation_lock | Indicates device orientation: portrait or landscape . | no |
id | Application ID on AppLovin RTB | yes |
name | Application name on AppLovin RTB | no |
publisher | Details about the publisher of the app. | yes |
publisher.ext | Extension object containing additional publisher information. This contains the installed_sdk object which has fields id , and subobject SDK_version with SDK bidder name and version details. For DSP bidders, id will always be "APPLOVIN_EXCHANGE" . | no | | The publisher’s AppLovin ID. Publishers should add this value to their app-ads.txt file. | yes | | The publisher’s name. | yes |
storeurl | The URL for the app in the App Store or Google Play Store. Used for app-ads.txt compliance. | yes |
ver | Application version, passed when available. | no |
Device Object
Attribute | Description | Always Passed? |
carrier (optional) | Carrier of device on a cellular network, or ISP of device on WiFi. | no |
connectiontype | Type of connection as per Table 5.22 of the OpenRTB 2.5 spec
| no |
devicetype | The general type of device. Set to 1 for mobile and tablets. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.21 for details. | no |
dnt | Specifies whether the “Do Not Track” feature is enabled in the device. If 0 , then DNT is set to false. If 1 , then DNT is set to true. This parameter is omitted if DNT is not passed by the SDK or on iOS 5 or lower. | no |
ext | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. | no |
ext.atts | (iOS Only) An integer passed to represent the app’s app tracking authorization status:
| no |
ext.ifv | IDFV of device in that publisher. Only passed when IDFA is unavailable or all zeros. | no |
geo | Location of the device, assumed to be the user’s current location, defined by a Geo object. | yes |
h | Height of the screen in physical pixels. This may be dependent on the device orientation. Note: This can differ from banner.h . | no |
hwv | Hardware version of the device | no |
ifa (optional) | Apple IFA or Google Advertising ID. Google Advertising ID (Android) is lowercase by default; IFA (iOS) is uppercase by default. If raw is not available then this is not passed. Not passed in requests from countries subject to GDPR if the user does not give consent. | no |
ip | IPv4 address of the device. Not passed in requests from countries subject to GDPR if the user does not give consent. | yes |
ipv6 (optional) | IPv6 address of the device. When ipv6 is present, ip is by default. Not passed in requests from countries subject to GDPR if the user does not give consent. | no |
js | 1 if the device supports JavaScript; otherwise 0 . (Always 1 .) | yes |
language | Browser language, using ISO-639-1-alpha-2. | no |
lmt | “Limit Ad Tracking” signal commercially endorsed (for example by iOS, Android), where 0 = tracking is unrestricted, 1 = tracking must be limited per commercial guidelines | no |
make | Device make (for example, "Apple" ) | no |
mccmnc | Mobile Country code and Mobile Network Code concatenated by a dash (e.g. 310-005 ). See the list of Mobile Country Codes for more details. | no |
model | Model of the device (for example, "iPhone" ). iOS will show the full device model name, for example "iPhone 10,1" , if known, or just for example "iPhone" if not. Android will have detailed model information such as "SAMSUNG-SM-G900A" . | no |
os | Operating system of the device, either "iOS" or "Android" . | no |
osv | Operating system version of the device, for example "3.1.2" . | no |
pxratio | The ratio of physical pixels to device-independent pixels. A float value from 0.74 through 4.0. | yes |
ua | Unprocessed User-Agent string from HTTP headers | no |
w | Width of the screen in physical pixels. This may be dependent on the device orientation. Note: This can differ from banner.w . | no |
Geo Object
Attribute | Description | Always Passed? |
city | City of the device. Based on the IP address & Maxmind database. | no |
country | Country of the device. Based on the IP address & Maxmind database. Passed as country code using ISO-3166-1-alpha-3. | no |
dma | Nielsen DMA code based on IP address. | no |
ext | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. | no |
ext.isp | Internet Service Provider name. | no | | Internet Service Provider name. | no |
ipservice | Service or provider used to determine geolocation from IP address if applicable (that is, type = 2 ). Refer to List 5.23 in the OpenRTB Spec 2.5 for more details. | no |
locale | Language and country of the device. Example us_en signifies English as language and the United States as the country. | no |
metro | Zip code of the device. Based on the IP address & Maxmind database. | no |
region | Region code using ISO-3166-2; two-letter state code if USA. Derived from IP address. | no |
type | Source of location data. Refer to List 5.20 in the OpenRTB Spec 2.5 for more details. | no |
zip (optional) | Zip code of the user. | no |
Impression Object
An AppLovin RTB bid request always carries a single impression (this differs from the OpenRTB schema).
Each request has exactly one impression object (imp
If the request includes a banner object in the impression object, the impression is eligible for HTML and MRAID ads. If the request includes a video object, the impression is eligible for VAST ads. The impression object may either include only a banner or video sub-object, or it may include both such objects.
Attribute | Description | Always Passed? |
banner | A Banner object (see Banner Object). This is required if this impression is offered as a banner ad opportunity. | only for banner impressions |
bidfloor | CPM minimum bid amount. Bid price must be greater than the bid floor to participate in the auction. Default currency is USD. | no |
displaymanager | “applovin” when the SDK is present. | no |
displaymanagerserver | AppLovin SDK version passed from the SDK, otherwise not passed. | no |
exp | Advisory as to the number of seconds that may elapse between the auction and the actual impression. Fixed value of 14400 = 4 hours × 3600 seconds/hour. | yes |
ext | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB. | no |
ext.skadn | Support for Apple’s SKAdNetwork. See the OpenRTB SKAdNetwork extension for additional details. | no |
ext.skadn.skadnetids | A subset of SKAdNetworkItem entries in the publisher app’s Info.plist that are relevant to the DSP. | yes (if ext.skadn is passed) |
ext.skadn.skadnetlist.max | IABTL list containing the max entry ID of SKAdNetwork ID. | |
ext.skadn.skadnetlist.excl | Comma-separated list of integer IABTL registration IDs to exclude from IABTL shared list. | |
ext.skadn.sourceapp | ID of publisher app in Apple’s App Store. Matches app.bundle . | yes (if ext.skadn is passed) |
ext.skadn.version | Version of SKAdNetwork supported. Always "2.0" or higher. Dependent on both the OS version and the SDK version. Note: With the release of SKAdNetwork 2.1, this field is deprecated in favor of BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.versions which supports an array of version numbers. | yes (if ext.skadn is passed) |
ext.skadn.versions | Array of strings containing the supported SKAdNetwork versions. Always "2.0" or higher. Dependent on both the OS version and the SDK version. | yes (if ext.skadn is passed) |
ext.skadnetids | IDs associated with Advanced Bidders only. | no |
id | A unique identifier for the impression within the bid request. Typically the value starts with 1 , then increments up to «n» for «n» impressions. | yes |
instl | Indicates if impression is offered as an interstitial opportunity. Set to 1 for full screen (interstitial), or 0 if interstitial is not available. | yes |
metric | An array of Metric objects (see Metric Object). | yes |
native | A Native object (see Native Object)—required if this impression is offered as a native ad opportunity. | only for native impressions |
rwdd | Indicates whether the user receives a reward for viewing the ad, where 0 = no, 1 = yes. | yes |
secure | Flag that indicates if the impression requires secure HTTPS URL creative assets and markup, where 0 = Non-secure, 1 = secure. If omitted, the secure state is unknown, but non-secure HTTP support can be assumed. For iOS auctions, this will always be 1 = secure. | yes |
tagid | Identifier for the specific ad placement or ad tag that was used to initiate the auction. For SDK bidders, the network placement ID for this impression. | yes |
video | A Video object (see Video Object)—required if this impression is offered as a video ad opportunity. | only for video impressions |
Metric Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
type | string | Type of metric presented, using exchange-curated string names. Session duration (session_duration ) is the total time a user has spent in a specific app, in seconds. Session depth (session_depth ) is the total number of ads a user has seen in a given app session. A session ends after a user closes the app. Both session depth and session depth per ad format are present in the bid request. The following represent the total number of ads per format a user saw in the app session:
value | float | Number representing the value of the metric. Not present for Viewability type. Session Depth: Set to 0.0 if the user has not yet seen an ad within their current app session, or if the user has been inactive for 30 minutes. |
vendor | string | Source of the value using exchange-curated string names. If the exchange itself is the source (as opposed to a third party), EXCHANGE is always used unless specified otherwise. Viewability: Set to ias for Integral Ad Science (IAS); set to moat for Moat. Dependent on the partners that the publisher supports. If only one is supported, only one is passed. If both are supported, both are passed. Does not apply to Open Measurement Viewability. |
Video Object
Attribute | Description | Always Passed? |
api | List of supported API frameworks for this impression. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.6 for details. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported. | no |
battr | Blocked creative attributes. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.3 for details. | yes |
companiontype | Supported VAST ad companion types. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.14 for details. Some inventory supports all companion types and others static only. | yes |
ext.videotype | "rewarded" if it’s a rewarded request | no |
h | Height of the player in pixels. | yes |
linearity | Indicates whether the impression must be linear. This is set to 1 for all requests. | yes |
maxbitrate | Maximum bitrate in Kbps. | yes |
maxduration | Maximum video ad duration in seconds. | yes |
mimes | Content MIME types supported. video/mp4 is supported. | yes |
minbitrate | Minimum bitrate in Kbps. | yes |
minduration | Minimum video ad duration in seconds. | yes |
placement | Placement type for the impression. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.9 for details. | yes |
playbackmethod | Allowed playback methods. If none specified, assume all are allowed. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.10 for details. | yes |
plcmt | Video placement subtype for the impression. See List: Plcmt Subtypes — Video in AdCOM Specification 1.0. | yes |
pos | Ad position on screen. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.4 for details. | no |
protocols | Array of supported video bid response protocols. VAST 2, VAST 3, and VAST 4 are supported. Protocols reflect what the specific inventory source supports as some inventory only supports 2.0, others both 2.0/3.0. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.8 for details. | yes |
skipafter | Number of seconds a video must play before skipping is enabled. This is only applicable if the ad is skippable | yes |
skipmin | Videos of total duration greater than this number of seconds can be skippable. This is only applicable if the ad is skippable. | yes |
startdelay | Indicates the start delay in seconds for pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ad placements. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.12 for details. | yes |
w | Width of the player in pixels. | yes |
Banner Object
Attribute | Description | Always Passed? |
api | List of supported API frameworks for this impression. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.6 for details. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported. | no |
battr | Blocked creative attributes for banner. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.3 for details. | yes |
btype | An array of integers indicating blocked types of banners. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.2 for details. | yes |
ext.bannertype | "rewarded" if it’s a rewarded request | no |
format | Array of format objects representing the banner sizes permitted. Height (h ) and width (w ) available to pass. If none are specified, then AppLovin recommends that you use the Bidrequest.imp.banner.h and Bidrequest.imp.w attributes. | no |
h | Height of the impression in pixels. | yes |
id | A unique identifier for this object. Values usually start at 1 and increase with each object; should be unique within an impression. | no |
pos | Ad position on screen. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.4 for details. AppLovin RTB will always pass 1 = Above the Fold. | yes |
w | Width of the impression in pixels. | yes |
Native Object
AppLovin native ads use OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads API Specification Version 1.2. The impression object contains the native object. The native object contains the request field with the JSON string representation of the native request. AppLovin does not support video assets.
Attribute | Description | Always Passed? |
api | List of supported API frameworks for this impression. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.6 for details. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported. | no |
battr | Blocked creative attributes for the native ad. See OpenRTB Spec 2.5 Table 5.3 for details. | yes |
eventtrackers | Array of tracking objects to run with the ad, in response to the declared supported methods in the request. Replaces imptrackers and jstracker , which are deprecated. See OpenRTB Spec 1.2 section 4.7: Event Trackers Request Object. | no |
request | Request payload complying with the Native Ad Specification. Note that this is a string. | yes |
request.assets | An array of Asset Objects. Any bid must comply with the array of elements expressed by the Exchange. | yes |
request.assets[«n»].data | Data object for ratings, prices, etc. | yes |
request.assets[«n»].id | Unique asset ID, assigned by exchange. | yes |
request.assets[«n»].img.hmin | The minimum requested height of the image, in pixels. Use this option for any rescaling of images by the client. Either h or hmin should be transmitted. If only h is included, it should be considered an exact requirement. Set for icon image with a value of 80—require 1:1 aspect ratio. Set for main image with a value of 417—require 1.91:1 aspect ratio (1200×627, 1200×628, and 800×418 recommended). | no |
request.assets[«n»].img.type | Type ID of the image element supported by the publisher. The publisher can display this information in an appropriate format. See OpenRTB Native spec 1.2 Table 7.4 and 7.5 for details. | yes |
request.assets[«n»].img.wmin | The minimum requested width of the image, in pixels. Use this option for any rescaling of images by the client. Either w or wmin should be transmitted. If only w is included, it should be considered an exact requirement. Set for icon image with a value of 80—require 1:1 aspect ratio. Set for main image with a value of 800—require 1.91:1 aspect ratio (1200×627, 1200×628, and 800×418 recommended). | no |
request.assets[«n»].required | Set to 1 if asset is required (exchange will not accept a bid without it). | yes |
request.context | The context in which the ad appears; set to 1501 . | yes |
request.privacy | Set to 1 when the native ad supports buyer-specific privacy notice. Field is absent when the native ad doesn’t support custom privacy links or if support is unknown. | no |
request.seq | (see the layout types). 0 for the first ad, 1 for the second ad, and so on. This is not the sequence number of the content in the stream. | no |
ver | Version of the Native Ad Specification to which the request complies; set to 1.2 . | yes |
Example Bid Request
{ "app": { "bundle": "", "cat": ["IAB9-30"], "id": "188e1f4c72744d3da3134a25", "name": "Example Game", "publisher": { "id": "41c8cd761e099946e85842c11debfb4d" }, "storeurl": "" }, "at": 2, "bcat": ["IAB8-5","IAB8-18","IAB11-4","IAB25","IAB26"], "device": { "carrier": "telekomde", "connectiontype": 3, "devicetype": 4, "dnt": 0, "geo": { "city": "Barrington", "country": "USA", "metro": "", "type": 2, "zip": "" }, "h": 1280, "hwv": "hllte", "ifa": "e1020eb8-fc74-454d-b420-a9763d8bc556", "ip": "", "js": 1, "language": "de", "lmt": 0, "make": "samsung", "model": "SM-N7505", "os": "Android", "osv": "5.1.1", "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.3; SM-N7505 Build/JSS15J) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.89 Mobile Safari/537.36", "w": 720 }, "id": "94dedeadbeefc4b8fcba406639bbf15912766bdc", "imp": [ { "banner": { "api": [ 3, 5 ], "battr": [ 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 14, 17 ], "btype": [ 1, 4 ], "h": 480, "pos": 1, "w": 320 }, "displaymanager": "applovin", "displaymanagerver": "6.1.4", "id": "1", "instl": 1, "secure": 0, "tagid": "0652dbc39a23edfd", "video": { "battr": [ 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 14, 13 ], "companiontype": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "h": 480, "linearity": 1, "mimes": [ "video/mp4" ], "protocols": [ 2, 3 ], "w": 320 } } ]}
Example Native Bid Request
{ "app": { "bundle": "", "cat": [ "IAB24" ], "id": "81a292321de8ed119cb833e0a80c4231", "name": "Example Game", "publisher": { "id": "41c8cd761e099946e85842c11debfb4d" }, "storeurl": "" }, "at": 2, "badv": [ ], "device": { "carrier": "verizon", "connectiontype": 2, "devicetype": 4, "dnt": 0, "geo": { "city": "Redwood City", "country": "USA", "metro": "", "type": 2 }, "h": 0, "hwv": "", "ifa": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234", "ip": "", "ipv6": "2a00:79e1:abc:6b01:d516:20e2:582d:339a", "js": 1, "language": "en", "lmt": 0, "make": "", "model": "", "os": "Android", "osv": "8.0.0", "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; en_US; Moto Z (2) Build/ODXS27.000-00-00) AppleWebKit/000.00 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/000.00", "w": 0 }, "id": "d628d2709c061c14ea4a2e17a52da1778534d1f5", "imp": [ { "displaymanager": "applovin", "displaymanagerver": "6.0.0", "ext": { }, "id": "1", "native": { "api": [], "battr": [ 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 14, 17, 3, 4, 13 ], "request": "{"native":{"assets":[{"id":1,"required":1,"title":{"len":140}},{"id":2,"img":{"hmin":800,"type":3,"wmin":417},"required":1},{"id":3,"img":{"hmin":50,"type":1,"wmin":50},"required":1},{"data":{"len":140,"type":2},"id":4,"required":0},{"data":{"len":15,"type":12},"id":5,"required":1},"context":1501,"plcmtcnt":1,"plcmttype":1,"ver":"1.2"}}", "ver": "1.2" }, "secure": 0, "tagid": "5ba489fc7ec59a27:NOTIFYCLEAN" } ]}
Example CTV Bid Request
{ "id": "eb3ebe82eb5223c2525d46bd3bef213649466b0a", "at": 1, "bcat": [ "IAB11-4", "IAB8-5", "test1", "IAB8-18", "IAB25-7", "IAB25-1", "IAB25-5", "IAB25-2", "IAB25-3", "IAB26-1", "IAB25-4", "IAB26-4", "IAB26-2", "IAB26-3", "IAB25-6", "test2" ], "tmax": 500, "badv": [ "test2", "test1" ], "app": { "name": "APPINT", "bundle": "com.applovin.appint", "cat": [], "id": "a9dad9c29f02533c9462db5555561e79", "publisher": { "id": "61310", "ext": {} }, "content": { "contentrating": "TV-PG", "genre": "Documentary,Science", "episode": 2, "season": "7", "ext": { "channel": "AppLovin Test" } }, "storeurl": "", "ext": {} }, "device": { "ifa": "66dcd4a1-a0ed-b2b8-7e1a-3d2ea2ecc889", "ip": "", "language": "en", "devicetype": 3, "js": 0, "geo": { "type": 2, "ipservice": 3, "city": "Sidney Center", "country": "USA", "region": "ny", "dma": "502", "metro": "502", "zip": "13839", "ext": { "org": "DTC Cable", "isp": "DTC Cable" } }, "ext": {}, "make": "Roku", "model": "DVP", "os": "Roku OS", "dnt": 0, "lmt": 0 }, "imp": [ { "id": "1", "displaymanager": "applovin", "instl": 0, "secure": 1, "tagid": "2f850a687d1acfdb:", "bidfloor": 22.58823529411765, "bidfloorcur": "USD", "exp": 14400, "video": { "w": 1920, "h": 1080, "battr": [ 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 14, 17, 3, 4, 13 ], "mimes": [ "video/mp4", "video/ogg", "video/webm" ], "placement": 1, "pos": 1, "minduration": 1, "maxduration": 120, "startdelay": -1, "minbitrate": 1, "maxbitrate": 280000, "linearity": 1, "sequence": 1, "protocols": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], "podid": "pod_1", "podseq": 0, "slotinpod": 0, "ext": { "maxsequence": 1 } }, "rwdd": 0, "ext": {} } ], "user": { "ext": { "gdpr": 0 }, "id": "66dcd4a1-a0ed-b2b8-7e1a-3d2ea2ecc889" }, "regs": { "ext": { "ccpa": 0, "gdpr": 0 } }, "source": { "ext": { "schain": { "ver": "1.0", "complete": 1, "nodes": [ { "asi": "", "sid": "61310", "rid": "eb3ebe82eb5223c2525d46bd3bef213649466b0a", "hp": 1 } ] } } }}