
Scheduled Reporting


Scheduled reporting is available for Advanced Reports, Network Comparison Reports, and ALX Reports. You can have a report delivered to your inbox at a frequency you specify.

To establish a new scheduled report in advanced reporting, first create the report with your choice of metrics, date range, and filters. After you run the report, open the drop-down menu in the top right corner:

Advanced Reporting. Run Report button. ☑ Day, ☐ Hour, ☐ Master Publishing Account (MPA) checkboxes. Select a Saved Report drop-down menu: Edit/Update Report option, Save as New Report option, Delete Report option.

Select Save as New Report.

Save/Schedule Report. Report Name input field. Scheduled Report on/off toggle. Frequency drop-down: Daily. Report will be sent in the window between 3:00 AM UTC to 16:00 PM UTC each day. Recipients input field (email addresses). Cancel button. Save button.

Enter the report name, frequency, and desired email recipients, then click ✅ Save. Note that report dates are relative if you choose a calendar shortcut. For example, if you select last 8 days and schedule a Daily report, the report output will update to the last eight days relative to the day of the report.

To update an existing scheduled report, select a report from the Select a Saved Report dropdown, run the report, then select Edit/Update Report from the dropdown:

Drop-down menu: Edit/Update Report option, Save as New Report option, Delete Report option.