
Test Mode


Use the test mode feature to verify that you successfully integrated particular ad networks from among those that MAX mediates.

To enable test mode, define a test device and select a network in the Test Mode section of your MAX account. After you enable test mode for a device, when that device makes an ad request to the network it does so with the network’s test mode enabled. The device also receives detailed device logs.

When you turn off Test Mode on your device, your ad units revert to using the configuration listed in the MAX Ad Units page. In addition to using Test Mode in the dashboard, AppLovin recommends that you use Mediation Debugger Test Ads on your devices. This is a quick way to test integration.

Enable Test Mode

To enable Test Mode, select MAX > Mediation > Manage > Test Mode and click + Add Test Device.

MAX Test Devices: + Add Test Device. Create your first Test Device. Test devices are used to verify successful integration of specific ad networks. By defining a test device and selecting a network, all valid MAX ad unit requests for that test device will initiate an ad request to the selected network with their test mode enabled.

Type the device Name and the relevant device ID: “Google Advertising ID” (GAID) for Android and “Identifier for Advertisers” (IDFA) for iOS.

Test Mode: Add Test Device. Add New Test Device. Name, IDFA (iOS) or GAID (Android), Test Network. Save.

Choose the Test Network you would like to see ads from. Then click ✔ Save. When the save completes, all MAX apps associated with your account start receiving test ads from the network you selected.

Max Mediation Test Devices. Test Device, IDFA, Ad Network, Status. Test devices are used to verify successful integration of specific ad networks. By defining a test device and selecting a network, all valid MAX ad unit requests for that test device will initiate an ad request to the selected network with their test mode enabled.

Disable Test Mode

To disable test mode on your device:

  1. Select MAX > Mediation > Manage > Test Mode.
  2. Find your device in the list of MAX Test Devices. In the row associated with that device, hover over the green dot in the Status column.
  3. A pause icon (⏸️) button appears next to the dot. Click that button.
  4. The Pause Test Device dialog appears. Click ✔ Yes.

This disables test mode on your device. Your device now receives ads based on the ad unit configuration that is listed in your MAX Ad Units page.

How to Enable Test Ads in the AppLovin SDK

You can programmatically enable test ads for one or more IDFAs/GAIDs in the AppLovin SDK.

If you use the MAX React Native Plugin, enable test ads by providing an array of test device advertising IDs to a method on the AppLovinMAX class. Starting with MAX React Native Plugin version 1.1.7, you must set test device advertising IDs before you inititalize the SDK. The following code snippet shows how to do this in typescript:

AppLovinMAX.setTestDeviceAdvertisingIds(['«your-IDFA»', '«your-GAID»']);